originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[i]Careful in these lost woods! Don't wanna get lost do you!?[/i]
And here I was hoping for some direction *listens out for anything that stands out*
[b]The tune seems to be louder from the path on the right.[/b]
*sighs* Guess il check out the right path* *leaves a triangle symbol on a nearby tree as a landmark*
[b]As you go down the path. It keeps its tone the same. There are three paths you can choose from.[/b] [spoiler]"Hear me" out here. I love "moving" to the "tune."[/spoiler]
*sends out a pulse wave, scanning*
[b]The sound seems the loudest coming from ahead of you[/b]
*goes down the middle path*
[b]There is another set of Crossroads.[/b]
[spoiler]really....[/spoiler] -blam!-s sake.... *listens out for the music*
[b]It comes from the left.[/b] [spoiler]Ayyyyyy lol[/spoiler]
*goes down the left path* I swear if it's another crossroad, I'm punching a tree....
[b]There is a gate in front of you.[/b]
Thank GOD *goes to open the gate*
Edited by Inflatablepants: 12/27/2015 9:07:06 PM[b]The gate is locked. [/b] [i]"hahahaha!"[/i] [i]"did you like that song I played?"[/i] [b]You look to the side. And see some sort of....child. Sitting on a stump [/b]
Yeah, it's was a good song
[i]"Thanks! Are you my friend?"[/i]
I can be, if you help me out
[i]"Help you out? Well that's not what friends do. Friends play games! And tell jokes!"[/i] [spoiler]He has no friends.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]o....well that went dark quick....[/spoiler] I have a little bit of time, if you wanna play
[i]"yay! How about we play tag? So you close your eyes and count to ten!"[/i]
Alright, and if I find you, will you help me open this gate here?
Edited by Inflatablepants: 12/27/2015 10:24:03 PM[i]"Oh don't worry! Now close your eyes!"[/i]
Alright *closes my eyes and counts to 10*
[b]When you open your eyes the gate is opened. You hear laughing coming from it. [/b]
Ummmm, Skull Kid?