[quote][b]Destiny[/b] has [i][b]unearthed[/b][/i] some incredibly rare [i]weapons[/i] and [i]armor[/i] over the last couple years......but right now, let's focus on the [b][i]Rarest of Rarest[/i][/b] [b]*[u]EMBLEMS[/u]*[/b]!!!
What's [i]truly[/i] the [b]rarest[/b]?
Which is the [i]hardest[/i] to obtain?
Which takes the most [b]skill[/b] to aquire? ;)
What are your [b][i][u]rarestest[/u][/i][/b] called?
How did you get it?!??!!?
Can anyone top my Uber Uncommon '[u][b]From Here, The Stars[/b][/u]' Emblem.
Without having to even say it, some [b]Emblems[/b] just absolutely [b]wreck[/b] other Current emblems (Could a better one then yours or mine exist?). Basically, wearing an Emblem of this equisitely PERPLEXATING caliber[i] can and will[/i] cause [i]Flawless[/i] emblems to [i]buckle[/i] under fear, and Oryx Challenge Emblems to Quiver in [i]utter[/i] scaredycatness
[u]Check the kiosk[/u] to see if you have one at the tower. They're usually under the '[b]Promotional'[/b] slots.
Check out my [b][i]uber[/i][/b] [b]rare[/b] Emblem collection but [b]I[/b] also really [b]want to see [/b]what [b]Emblems[/b] your RoCkInG?!?!?
Update: Please take a moment and [b][i][u]BUMP[/u][/i][/b] YOUR FAVORITE (One you have, and One you want :)
Update 4: You [b]Negative Nancies [/b]can't hold back the positivity in this forum.....mwahhahah
Update 38: I understand that my Emblems of choice may not be rare in the aspect of how it's obtained but IT IS RARE in the fact that it requires exogenous protocols outside of 'just playing the game' to aquire.
One must initially suffer the perils of spam mail, if they're lucky to ever get the email to their inbox in the first place and not automatically gone [i]straight to spam[/i]....
After all that mess, 95% don't wear it [b]or even know that they have it.
I get 8-12 'Exotics' in the game a day....so if [u]RNGezus[/u] can call that an Exotic it's fair game for me to call an item worn by less than, let's just say .09% , of the population as rare :)
[u]Have Fun Guardians :P[/u][/quote]
8-12 exotics a day??? Op has no life, lives with mom and dad in the basement, and is currently eating a case of Twinkies. I call bs on the exotics.
Edited by Swampman000: 12/28/2015 3:27:44 PMEven if someone were living in their parents basement it wouldn't mean that they had no life. To each there own. I would give up everything to be with my family again because I consider that 'a life' rather than running after all the superficial exogenous flaunt out there. Additionally, I infer from your screen name '1971' that your age is approximately 45. That's fine but what disturbs me is a person your age making fun of what tends to be children in these forums. That's utterly disgusting. In conclusion I'd rather hang out with friends in their parents basements then Chesters like you.
Close! I'm 28, retired. Used to be a Software Engineer (Java,C,SQL) I own my home (2 stories)(But only use the first floor, it's really kinda sad) Lease my car (Lease even if you buy to avoid taxes the first two years) Destiny is the first game I've ever played. I hate going out so I really enjoy playing alot :) Double cheese Double pepperoni pizza, Not twinkles
Need a room mate?
NEVER AGAIN!!!! Lol the last 2 people I helped while they were in a crutch kinda burnt me.......first guy was smoking rocks in the rooms up there (he would always walk to the gas station), next guys dog pee'd everywhere and I think the last one was a....anyways Just me My wife, my 3 cats, 2 fish, and an awesome German Shephard :)
Edited by CamTfirefox: 12/28/2015 3:07:54 PMGerman Shepherds are the best :j
You're the best! I really like your emblems! Are you ready for Iron BANNER!?!? I'll miss S-R-L.