Hey my name is iFainTz- I am a streamer / youtuber who takes people through trials (especially those who have never flawlessed year 2!)
3.12 K/D average & 2.90 K/D average in trials (search me on Destinytracker if you don't believe me) Top 200 in ELO on destiny tracker with a legionnaire medal
I know I'm not the best and I am quite new to this scene but remember that I am doing this to help others that can't make it to the lighthouse! :)
Make sure you bump up this post with a like and or comment
also you have more of a chance to play with me and my clan if you are a subscriber / follower of my YT and twitch :P
I would never ask someone for their hard earned money all donations are voluntary I do this for fun xD
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/TheNightmareArtz
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/FainTzOG
I'm all for this. I'll be on today to watch you play today.
Can you help me I've never been to the tower even y1 and would love to see it
Newer really had a team to play trails with, would apriate some help, add me xEosp
You seem pretty cool, I'll follow your YT and Twitch. Also, I'd really appreciate some Trials help, I'm not so good at trials but I can hold my own, and I've always wanted to go flawless. Day 1 Player and never gone in year one or two.
No way could anyone carry my scrubby ass
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I've never been flawless or past 3 wins. When do you normally stream?
Bump I guess. Kinda tired of failing trials. I'm okay I guess just been having shit luck. I'd like to give it a shot but not really as a carry as equals and as peers if that makes any sense to you.
Statistically speaking, each of your lives is worth a team-wipe in trials...wtf
Ive never done trials. And im not that great at crucible. I can hold my own at times but im an inconsistent pvp player. So consider me a scrub. Im interested in doing trials but i guess i havent had the balls to just jump into it. Any advice is appreciated. And yes ill take the "git gud scrub×100" in advance.
I keep seeing these and yet I never get carried. Oh well I don't really want to play trials anyway.
Stop looking for followers/subs etc. Such a sad way to try adn get subs/followers. Maybe, if you had a good stream to begin with you would not have to resort to trying to get people to watch this way.
Edited by Sox: 12/30/2015 6:38:55 PM-blam!-
Nice Montage! This reminds me of how good I was in crucible until I had this problem with my thumb. Keep it up
I'm 1.14 average. I don't play much pvp...
I've never been to trails and would be greatful for a carry. Psn Fatalis01 Thanks
I could use the help - getting to the lighthouse
That video was lit
So much of this bullshit. This games became a joke. Destiny, the game of carrying
Can you carry me please?
Do you or anyone you know help people on PS3
I want to be like you when I grow up lol. Can I add you. I don't want a carry. I just want to play with you after I get better. I just started playing the crucible daily two weeks ago.
Damnn you are good at sniping
I wish you were on Xbox One :([spoiler]So I could snipe another Streamer in Trials[/spoiler]
I do patrol on earth carries. Join the stream to enter raffle