Huntards: a person who has three hunters and bitches about every other class, gun, and armor that they cannot use. Usually has 2.0 k/d in crucible and waves it around like its the hottest shit ever. Most are Xbox users. Spends an unhealthy amount of time on the game. Frequent forum user.
There. That's the difference between hunters and huntards. Don't confuse the two.
I mean to make it fair shouldn't Titans have a bad nick name. Especially right now because they're doing a lot more complaining than hunters. How about... Titards?
Huntards don't have to have all 3 Hunters. They just have to main a Hunter
Typical -blam!-ing Titan...
I was not saying that all people who main Hunters are Huntards. I was replying to the guy who said that all Huntards have 3 Hunters, which is not true. SOME, not all, who main Hunters but have only 1 are also Huntards. I apologize for your misunderstanding. #TitanMasterRace
Oh carry on then.
Lol so salty you mad because your daddy beat you? Well grow up
How did you get that impression? #TitanMasterRace
Just in the tone of your words and the salt content of your posts #git rekt