So I noticed a change in the bones of Eao from year one to year two. In year one the bones gave more ammo for heavy weapons. a great buff to an entire weapon class as a nice add-on to the minimal bonus provided by an extra jump.
It seems other exotics that provide smaller buffs similar to the bones, also provide *gain more ammo for heavy or special weapons. Which Is a fair addition. My point is all exotics that provide minimal bonuses or buffs should have this swappable perk.
And while the bones had this heavy ammo buff in year one now they buff specific weapons(rockets machine gun sniper etc). it just seems they silently made this useful multi-function exotic a watered down version of its former self.
A solution could be giving the special/heavy ammo buffs to all exotics that provide a minimal bonus. A good example of this is alchemists rainment. exotics that could use this buff are the keeper of the pack exotics.
What do ya think?
All of year two is a nerfed version of year 1. It's very frustrating.
Who cares. They ruined the game with to many changes.
You do know you can re roll perks on exotic armor right
Glass needles
Use glass needles on them until you get the perks you want
I get what you're saying but as someone who's almost always using a LMG I'm not to bothered byit, I simply rolled mine into having sniper/LMG perks to switch between. And in a worst case scenario I could always get a second pair or re-roll the current ones into having the RL perk instead. It would be a QoL buff though.