All those things got nerfed with the year 2 update. It took a whole year. And not all Titans complained. Especially when Hunters are the majority of Destiny. It took a month to get Sunbreaker nerfed. Hunters have always been the loudest on the forums. Just like how the year 1 fight was between Hunters and Warlocks. Common bitching factor? Hunters
Only a few titans? Every day there were three or four new posts about nerfing Bladedancer.
It wasn't all Titans my friend. Mostly warlocks. Like I said year 1 squabble was Hunter vs Warlock while Titans sat back and ate popcorn
I don't recall hunters calling for a warlock nerf. I recall titans at hunters throats because apparently Bladedancer had to much health. Warlocks may have asked for Bladedancer nerf but it was more Titans
"[b]I am a scrub only capable of playing and seeing balance in one class[/b]" Lmao what an idiot you are.
What are you talking about?
In saying it takes a special kind of stupid to think that the majority of flack for Sunbreaker [b]or[/b]blase dancer came from people that only play or main one class. If you're not a shit tier scrub you play all three classes and main a subclass within each. In turn you know what is unbalanced. [b]news flash dumbass, Bladedancer was nerfed 3 times in Y1 patch updates before being entirely reworked in year 2. It's entirely likely that Sunbreaker will see another patch update to fix the current unintentional nerf to each hammer's grenades and horseshoes proc... The majority of players play hunters mainly, the majority of players on to 1000 leaderboard also play all three classes, this dumbass "hunters/warlocks/Titans call for nerfs garbage is plainly idiotic! When bladedancers needed a nerf the majority of players were calling for it, so many were Hunter again...the majority of players are Hunter mains...[/b]
So it's not a special kind of stupid for the original commenter to talk about 1 class causing something? I love your double standard. I'm not surprised by it tho. You main a Hunter
What double standard dipshit? Did I say that he was right for pointing out expressly Titans? No I did not. What a [i]full freaking retard you are.[/i] No sorry I don't main a hunter. I do trials carries on my sunsinger and greatly enjoy rumbling with a defender. I'm not some scrubby dumbass who only knows how to and associates with one class in a freaking video game. Lol I'm not surprised though. You've already exemplified that you're a total dipshit!
Edited by RandyDaGod: 12/28/2015 11:29:47 PMYes double standard. You called me out for doing narrowing down the problems on the forums to one class. Same as the commenter. You have 43 days on your Hunter and 9 on your Warlock. You main a Hunter.
Or Ive deleted my male warlock and my Titan because I disliked how they looked? Holy shit you're a retard. Like bye. No point in talking to an insufferable moron such as yourself. Sure I would have had more days on my Hunter even had I not deleted my other two characters.. That in no way make me a "main" unless I associate with playing and excelling in only one class of character. You're mentally ill essentially. It's sad. Seek help retard' See f[i]u[/i]cktard For to be a double standard I would have needed to defend the OP or anyone else in this thread chain, [b]which I haven't.[/b] It's gotta suck being as retarded as you are. Maybe work on yourself.
Look a Hunter main who can only call someone a retard for 2 paragraphs after telling said someone there's no reason to talk to them
Oh I muted you by the ay dip
If you actually made sense I would respond to probe you wrong. Step your grammer game up.
No worries~
Edited by Seven: 12/28/2015 7:53:26 PMWho are you responding to?
Yeah sorry about that. Wasn't paying attention