originally posted in:Savage Samurais
317 hunter
GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Looking for 1 flawless run
Need one for passage coins, not throwing games just plain cards.
Need one for flawless run. Msg gt ii IDevestate for inv
Edited by Guardian1898: 12/28/2015 11:06:09 PM314 warlock need team for flawless gt^
Carrying Message soooDECE INV
Edited by SxCAngelZ: 12/28/2015 11:02:40 PMCome say hi in twitch @SxCAngelZ I help people go flawless (75% guranteed flawless) everyday while trials is out.. And if you need help come say hi at chat and I'll hit you up!! And if you like my content, well hey follow up!!! Join the SxC nation! (^_^) Thanks!! O(^_^)o
Top 1% trials player on Destinytracker. Looking to join legit good flawless squad. GT:TheHillman8er
Need two for bounties most likely won't go flawless just chill
Need 2 more for flawless run. Msg: Pro Egoz BR Stats will be checked before invite is sent.
Need one for bounties most likely won't go flawless just chilling
Need one for flawless. Message ^ *must have been flawless *
I'm a 316 warlock *i have 2 25$ Microsoft cards* I'm good, I just need a good team Be able to CARRY!!!!!!!! Just in case ;) As soon as I go to the light house I'll give the codes :) msg me for inv gt: same as above
Pick me up If your a beast an tired of trying to carry I can hold my own plus ... Positive KD an blah blah my GT: HI IM CHEETAH
I'm a 317 Warlock been flawless year two lots of times looking to join a group that's good at pvp that has year two flawless experience send a invite on Xbox one if you need another gamer tags the same as the name above ^^^^
Need 1 for flawless Please gone flawless year two Buddy has been to lighthouse I've never been Msg for invite
Need 1 for trials
I'm a 317 Warlock been flawless year two lots of times looking to join a group that's good at pvp that has year two flawless experience send a invite on Xbox one if you need another gamer tags the same as the name above ^^^^
Looking to do bounties.. Gt above
310 hunter going for bounties while attempting flawless. Need min of 7 wins
Need 2 sweaty try hard for flawless Must have gone flawless Year 2 300 or higher 1.17 kd or better I'll be checking stats Msg Itzcrotasdaddy
We need one more who has been flawless to start a fresh passage to go flawless. You must have a flawless emblem. Message Pro7MasterChief for an invite.
We need one more who has been flawless to start a fresh passage to go flawless. You must have a flawless emblem. Message Pro7MasterChief for an invite.
Need 2 Must have 1.7+kd I'm top 1% Message klutch elitz with your kd Do not message if your kd is below 1.7
We need one more who has been flawless to start a fresh passage to go flawless. You must have a flawless emblem. Message Pro7MasterChief for an invite.
We need one more who has been flawless to start a fresh passage to go flawless. You must have a flawless emblem. Message Pro7MasterChief for an invite.
Hunter with 1.2KD and can hold my own. Went flawless every week with randoms. Only want to team up with good players only for a flawless run. Send message for invite or invite me.