originally posted in:Savage Samurais
317 hunter
GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Hunter with 1.2KD and can hold my own. Went flawless every week with randoms. Only want to team up with good players only for a flawless run. Send message for invite or invite me.
Need 1 for flawless Please gone flawless year two Buddy has been to lighthouse I've never been Msg for invite
Top 1% trials player on Destinytracker. Looking to join legit good flawless squad. GT:TheHillman8er
Looking for top % players to go flawless with Went flawless twice with my characters just trying go one more time I been flawless every week 13x Message me J CRAY35 I can hold my own
need one really good player for a flawless run with 1.2 + kd for a quick flalwess run I've been flawless this week msg me for inv gt same as above cheking stats
Need one really good sniper to go flawless already have two really good players who have been flawless msg with light and subclass for inv
310 Titan looking to go flawless I can hold my own and been flawless in year2 invite SOUTHERN BOY010
need 1 person we are going for bounties no try hards xLordxOfxBonesx
Need one for trials must be good and above 1.2 must have been flawless before multiple times I will be checking no scrubs sweaty run
need 1 for practice and flawless attempt message for invite
LOOKING for one op players that can hold it's own and is chilled and has gone flawless in year two
Need 2 for trials, no scrubs! Must be a savage. Going for my second flawless run today. Msg on Xbox for inv
I'm ranked 112 in the world in trials, I would really like to break the top 100, if you are also a beast and just want to dominate please message me with your kd. Thank you gt chief1puffzhg
Need 2 to get scarab emblem must have a positive kd
I'm ranked 112 in the world in trials, I would really like to break the top 100, if you are also a beast and just want to dominate please message me with your kd. Thank you gt chief1puffzhg
Flawless run: requirements 1.6+ kd 40ish DTR Not required, but a low elo preferably :) Plz don't message if u don't have these
Need 2 to get scarab emblem must have a positive kd
Need a chill team for bountys
Flawless run: requirements 1.6+ kd 40ish DTR Not required, but a low elo preferably :) Plz don't message if u don't have these
Need a chill team for bountys
Need 2 people to go for scarab emblem. Don't be bad and mess up my card
Need 1 good player for trials no bs just good crucible skills
Carries stream 100% free go to twitch.tv/xxitsjohnnyxx
**FLAWLESS RUN** Looking for 2 with 1.3 KD+ Have mic Know how to communicate! Message TheClevlandStmR for invite