originally posted in:Savage Samurais
317 hunter
GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b]
Need 312+ guardians for oryx cp. must have mic. Gt: LeakproofSmile
317 hunter looking to join a flawless team .... Flawless multiple year 2... Gt same as above if u need one...
308 hunter need 2 good players for trials run message for invite
[quote]317 hunter GT: [b]The Youngin 100[/b][/quote] Need one for flawless Message Gt iBe Madmuffin
317 Hunter been flawless y2 multiple times. Need 2 more for fresh 9-0 run. Only looking for very experienced trials players who know how to win. Please be competitive but also chill. Message on Xbox GT same as above.
Come say hi in twitch @SxCAngelZ I help people go flawless (75% guranteed flawless) everyday while trials is out.. And if you need help come say hi at chat and I'll hit you up!! And if you like my content, well hey follow up!!! Join the SxC nation! (^_^) Thanks!! O(^_^)o
315 hunter lf flawless. Im not great but good at callouts. Gt same
need high ranked players for trials feel free 2 check my stats: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/xbox/ooredmadmaxoo/trialsOfOsiris I will check your stats! msg: ooredmadmaxoo
317 Hunter been flawless y2 multiple times. Need 2 more for fresh 9-0 run. Only looking for very experienced trials players who know how to win. Please be competitive but also chill. Message on Xbox GT same as above.
316 titan lfg to finish bounties or go flawless. Have been flawless this week. Just wanna play it out don't care either way.
need high ranked players for trials feel free 2 check my stats: http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/xbox/ooredmadmaxoo/trialsOfOsiris I will check your stats! msg: ooredmadmaxoo
Need 1 for attempt at flawless run. Been personally flawless 50 times. Reply here with your GT and I'll invite you. Mic and good attitude please.
need 1 trying to go for a serious run at flawless, can carry own weight. Msg same as above
Looking to go Flawless! Haven't been to lighthouse in Y2, but lots of times in Y1. I've come close this year a few times. Please invite me, GT: "Colonel McFlurr"
Need one that can really hold their own my friend and i are good A warlock and a hunter (((Must have skype)))
Im looking for some serious players. You must be legit to join. You must have a true skill of 30 or higher and a minimum of a 1.2 kd I'll be checking stats im currently in the top 4% in trails so no scrubs ill be checking stats. Gt same as above. http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/xbox/RelentlessRockr/trialsOfOsiris
316 Titan Looking to complete my gold tier bounty!! Invite me! I need 2 more matches!!! Same GT!
315 warlock looking for a team to go flawless. Gt same as name
Need 2 for flawless run must be able to carry own weight must have been flawless before msg same gt as above for once must be 310 light
314 titan looking to run a couple cards, message Fresh bub08 if you need 1
313 Titan helping people go flawless have done it twice this week and this is my 3rd character I'm not buying boons since this is my 3rd character INVITE SK Ginger
Looking for 1 more for flawless run 1.4kd. Msg Gt WackoHunterSWE
Warlock 1.5 kd Will be checking stats so be 1.4 kd and above Need 1 more
Im looking for some serious players. You must be legit to join. You must have a true skill of 30 or higher and a minimum of a 1.2 kd I'll be checking stats im currently in the top 4% in trails so no scrubs ill be checking stats. Gt same as above. http://destinytracker.com/destiny/playlists/xbox/RelentlessRockr/trialsOfOsiris
1.7 trials kd...need team with similar kds for flawless...inv bgbaseball1129
Have a 1.15 KD in trials but no flawless year 2 - looking for a carry message or inv