The war on violence and drugs from law enforcement needs to be expanded onto video games. I see A LOT of gamer tags such as:
(Examples/not real gamer tags)
Silent Sniper
Assassin Killer
Terror Master
Incendiary Starter
Racist Ball Puncher
Eternal Murderer
These names are also proceeded/separated/followed by the letter 'X' numerous times and or 420 and Kush. Sometimes all. I am guessing the X's symbolize real life victims. So apparently we have a ton of murderous sniper killers who also smoke a lot of marijuana.
Law enforcement needs to look into this and we (destiny community) need to report these potential threats as well.
Also one more thing I find really odd. A lot, if not most of these so called "sniper and murder experts" always end up with negative KDs in crucible.
Be careful everyone and keep your eyes open.
Feel free to name suspicious gamer tags here so bungie can handle and police them accordingly.
Edit 1: yolo, swag, beast and king have been brought to my attention and are now considered possible threats.
you'll never catch me "XxX_kush_babykiller_911420_XxX
Brass eye meets destiny forums, love it! Keep up the good work pal xD
Over 700 replies so far. Gotta give you an 8/8. Lol.
Lol you're such a scum
Or maybe terrorists that might use some sort of biological weapons.;)
What about aliens?
I saw someone earlier whose name was "Jedi N**" (shortnening of the n word). How they get away with that I don't know.
You're no longface
So much bait XD you sir are catching a shit ton of fish lol
Edited by smurfninja9: 12/29/2015 9:21:03 about reading way to much into nothing.As stupid and silly a gamer tag might's just a gamer tag. Oops...Ah just noticed the satire tag,my bad:)
YoU FoRgOt ThIs KiNd oF StUff
Are you for real, or just plain retarded.
Alot of "special" people down there... C'mon... you can't tell it's a joke..?
Did no one seriously notice the SATIRE before he added the tag? Look at the first letter of his example name
lol thats some good shit OP... brightened up a dreary day at work. Thanks
Muted. thank you for stepping forward.
Oh man, you made my day right here.
Your tin foil hat only has 260 light
First time I've laughed on the forums. Well done
Edited by Lord Headass: 12/29/2015 7:00:37 PMThis is some awfully big b8
Ffffffff found me out!!!!!!!!!!!!! [spoiler]*runz n hides*[/spoiler]
Racist ball puncher is my favorite
Edited by KurtPanzerNader: 12/29/2015 8:35:07 PMBig brother is always watching. Feel that lag? There is a perfect reason for it. NSA is watching everything. You better be good or the next knock is your front door.
You don't need to hide satire in there if it's actually funny, nice post.