The war on violence and drugs from law enforcement needs to be expanded onto video games. I see A LOT of gamer tags such as:
(Examples/not real gamer tags)
Silent Sniper
Assassin Killer
Terror Master
Incendiary Starter
Racist Ball Puncher
Eternal Murderer
These names are also proceeded/separated/followed by the letter 'X' numerous times and or 420 and Kush. Sometimes all. I am guessing the X's symbolize real life victims. So apparently we have a ton of murderous sniper killers who also smoke a lot of marijuana.
Law enforcement needs to look into this and we (destiny community) need to report these potential threats as well.
Also one more thing I find really odd. A lot, if not most of these so called "sniper and murder experts" always end up with negative KDs in crucible.
Be careful everyone and keep your eyes open.
Feel free to name suspicious gamer tags here so bungie can handle and police them accordingly.
Edit 1: yolo, swag, beast and king have been brought to my attention and are now considered possible threats.
I'm a combat infantry paratrooper I kill a lot of people LMAO, law enforcement have enough on there hands than chasing people down because of a gametag on a game console.
Aren't satyric posts supposed to be somewhat funny?
Thank you !
This guys name is JOHN CENA
Switchboard: -[i]Welcome to the FBI, how can I help you?[/i] Me: -[i]Yo, there's this alien fella on the destiny forums, please send your most evil scientists ASAP, before the BMX raid team snatch him.[/i]
Hhmmm. Profile name.... ET = Alien. Alien = illigal immigrant. illegal immigrant = threat to the nation. Threat to the nation = terrorist!!!!! BAN HIM AND REPORT TO FBI.
Well -blam!-
Any combination of Sniper, MLG, xXx, YOLO, SWAG, or Pro in a gamertag does make me wary of inviting/joining you. Equally, naming your kid something daft is also needless. Pressure relieving colourlessness, as someone once said, is key.
Bet this is Caitlyn Jenner
Insert nerf.
hate doing raids or anything with stoners annoying as hell
Xxx_tripleN0scoper_xxX dislikes this post
War on drugs you say? Fear not for I shall bake them all. (damn, now where did I put my bong..)
I work with ISIS, does that count?
What about people claiming to be aliens from outer space. They obviously are here with malicious intent.
If I snipe you in ib will your teammates cry?
I suck
Damn!!!!You are what's wrong with the world.
Nerf violent gamer tags!!!
To be honest I don't understand why people make the gt and psn id's what they are. I mean some of theses people probably think it's funny now but ,in a couple years when your trying to get a girl , and you bring her over, do you want her to see your gt/psn Id as d1ckpunchr7? [spoiler]not a real gt/PSN that I'm aware of[/spoiler]
AHH it's a reptilian man!!1!!!!
The war on drugs worked so well let's leave the war on terror to our government..... Smh Best thing the government can do for the people is get out of their way.
So hilarious
This is a good satire post.