Edited by Big Moist: 12/28/2015 10:00:26 PMThe sheer intellect of rpers has been unleashed upon me.
Usually, I would try to argue with you, but seeing as how you have a biased opinion, I would just have to say,"Good day sir", and leave.
In what way are you unbiased? You're butthurt because I'm posting in a thread you like.
Did I say I liked this thread? No, I didn't.
You do though. You're butthurt that I made fun of one of your little rp friends.
What makes you think that I'm butt hurt? All I did was poke fun at you.
Because of the extremely lazy an uninteresting way in which you did it. It was the equivalent of saying "no you" to a bully on a playground.
Question, can we all just agree that the human race is stupid, and there's no point in dragging out this argument?
No. Feel free to concede though.