They bitch and moan whenever spotlight isnt on them.
True hunter mains are arrogant self centered pricks.
Seriously a class appeals to certain demographic and ... well... assholes congregate towards hunters.
Not rocket science to see it
Most of my fellow hunters are indeed idiots. Yet I find it funny when warlocks and titans complain about something getting nerfed in thier subclasses, hunters get the blame for nerf. Ps I am among the few that didn't want hammers nerfed.
I'm a huntard too. :)
So angry about a game lmao And plus hunters could care less we could get away from a hammer any day (blink, shade step) It's salty warlocks and other titans that can't out run them that cried about them * I'll self res* OH NO I GOT HAMMERED -blam!- -blam!- -blam!- LET ME GO RANT ON THE FORUMS.
Angry ? I just stated an opinion. Its like color and make of a vehicle. Certain people drive certain cars (when they have money to choose) and same goes with video game classes.