Dear Bungie,
I am the Jack(y), the Hunter of my Master CrazyT, and I'm writing to you, because I was born as a man and after a long, long time of doing Raids, and saving the world for so many times, I realised that there is something wrong with me.
After all the things I saw, I didn't feel like a man anymore and have a great wish.
I feel myself more like a female and I want to show the world that I am what I am.
Pourly there is no way to change my sex yet and maybe I am getting tired of saving the cruel world, which want me to stay male, because that's what society things it's normal; but screw (sorry for my language) the society!
We are living in the year 2715 and in two days it's already 2716!
Don't you think, Bungie, it's time for a change?
I think, my Master would even pay a small fee for that.
So please, Bungie, let us show the world, that our society is ready for the next step, that I can save the world again with pride and passion, how it should be!
Best wishes and a happy new year
p.s.: Almost 95 % of my teammates feel the same.
Edited by StrictlyTy: 12/29/2015 9:05:20 AMYou could have easily just said "We should be able to change the sex of our characters" Your story was unnecessary. No offense... And y'all mother-blam!-ers need to stop suggesting we could pay for things that should be put in the game for free.
Edited by alvin2503: 12/30/2015 8:32:17 AMVanguard master consist of 2 male and 1 female #genderequality
What the -blam!- is this
Yo that shit is -blam!-ing trash dog
Don't even joke about this, please. The LGBT mafia and the godforsaken Feminists cause enough headache as is.
Dear Jack(y), Why not ask your Master Crazy T to take your weapons and armour and store them in the vault. Then tell him how you feel and ask him to delete you from this existance then [b]remake[/b] you as a female guardian. With all your experience of being resurrected from death by your Ghost - the concept of reincarnation shouldn't seem so far fetched.
Caitlyn Jenner
Once the Ru Paul dlc drops I expect moose knuckle dlc in the future! Tea bagging will never be the same!
WTF. No, just leave. There are bigger issues in the game.
My daughter gave my warlock a sex change about a month or two into destiny because I had "too many boys". She did me a favor though, the warlock armor looks so much better on a female imo.
Catching some flack here Jack(y) !! I think in the year 2716 this should be an acceptable request, come on Bungie you heard the man.... Err oops ... The lady ;)
Wow. A lot of hate for requesting an appearance change in a less than traditional manner. I hope you get your wish OP.
Wow Muted im 320 and i never ever would play with you or join party chat u in BRUCE JENNER
Just go exo
Wait what
Just vault your male hunter level up a girl hunter and then grab your stuff from the vault it's not that hard
Edited by Pollux: 12/29/2015 8:20:30 AMJust making a scene bungie does not solve personal problems read the comments below
Delete your male Titan and create a female. Problem solved. Don't forget to tell everyone you meet also. Cause people care about all that..
How bout no. Make a new character and stop making a scene. No one cares about how u feel. Make a female character and get over it
So you're asking for an option to change the sex of you character? People have been asking for this and a barber shop since launch. Good luck with that cause I don't think it's gonna happen in this version of Destiny.
Is this a joke?
Edited by P8ball NINJA 74: 12/29/2015 7:37:18 AMSpeechless.
I want special treatment also. My preferences should be implemented because I want you to acknowledge me and how unique I am. Look at me! LOOK! LOOK!!! LOOK AT ME!!!!
Edited by ofaDyingStar: 12/29/2015 2:35:35 AMHow about 'I would like the option to change my characters appearance' and not 'whaa SJW here you should cater everything to me' This is obviously not a legit SJW post, we just shouldn't be encouraging this kind of behaviour
Why would this matter? We're all players in armor. No one is gonna say "you need to be a specific gender to join"