This gun has become the new thorn and meta due to dropping pulses so low in damage output. Autos have stayed the same.
BUNGIE: simply nerf the hell out of this gun and all other primaries will fall into line. STOP nerfing gun groups and finish off the balancing by hitting this gun where it hurts. All of a sudden we will have a balanced pvp world where guardians that are like me (0.9kd) can improve by using a vast array of guns (fusions anyone?) instead of being forced into shotgun use by snipers (stuck to heads) last word combo users.
Hit that hammer down hard bungie. Vote for a balanced meta.
Do try and give a balanced response guardians; last word/sniper combo players will no doubt slaughter this thread. It's expected.
Edit : What a bunch of whiners! Come on bungie, hit this gun where it hurts. Obliterate it.
Happy Christmas to you try hards. Every response will give bungie something to look at. Keep them coming you plebs
What you expect to counter TLW with MIDA and 1000 yard stare?
Yea I will use last word/sniper in trials and some in elimination and I feel that is understandable. But elsewhere I try to just mess around and use an AR and fusion or whatever.
Says the guy with the mida equipped. Jesus
This topic is now about pancakes!!! I like butter on mine
Put the damn scout rifle and sniper rifle away and you could counter it. the mida was not meant to be used for up close gunfights bro
You are a big ass pussy
Lol you want to be fusion bitch. Lolol
The OP is a main Huntard whining for a nerf! Typical huntard, just git gud scrub!
Can you just shut the hell up. Please?
Already been done
Yeah, TLW is bad again. It has too much damage for its RoF...and you can non-FanFire it for mid-range and high RoF good damage... It got rebuffed too well
Just keep it the same its ok as is
Edited by Chops: 1/1/2016 12:39:34 AM
It's already been -blam!-ing nerfed you dumbass
They will nerf it By .04%
You seriously think making TLW vanish will makw you a Better player? Hahahahahahahajajajakakakahagahsbab xh f go :) hi jf th :/ bc deck bc dsl :/ b hog if all ssh flash ssh full ssh ssh cm go ssh skull
Edited by So Solid XT: 12/30/2015 1:51:35 PMWhen did you start playing? TLW use to do 114 headshot damage. It's been nerfed already. I'm saying this as a 1.02 kd... Shut the -blam!- up and play the game. If you don't like crucible than play PoE or something.
Don't worry by the time destiny is finished laser tag will have more damage than anything in this game, but by all mean keep whining
The "problem" right now is that guns are almost perfectly balanced. I did just fine last night in IB with Monte Carlo or Suros PDX pulse. Yeah, I lost at close range to TLW, and at long range to Mida... Like I was supposed to. With scouts having their moment, players who hang back and hit head shots will do very well.... And they should, they are hitting head shots from across the map! This game has now become a challenge of who can hit the most head shots the fastest. A.K.A. skill.
These forums have become pointless. Just this nonsense, trolls, and bait posts.
Edited by bootsmane: 12/30/2015 1:47:45 PMShut up. Just shut the fukk up. God damn what is it with people. Just use the gun yourself if it's so -blam!-ing good. Just lmao. God kids are stupid. Are you a kinderguardian? Clearly you don't remember the last word thorn meta. Last word had a kill time of like ten frames. That's like a quarter of a second before. They did nerf it. They nerfed the -blam!- out of it like you asked to what it is now. You can't aim down the sights with it. You have to hip fire it. That is the only way to use it now. Get good scrub
The thorn era *shudders* it was a dark time indeed
Get doctrine of passing or so.
Uhm, they kinda already did. Stop bitching and use it. Wait, I bet you can't hip fire with it so you can't use it.
Nerf every gun until they all do the same exact damage.