"Because kids -blam!-ing suck" [b]He says fully honest [/b]
"Hey man, those kids are my pride and joy!" Lopez: "chill guys" JT: "fine"
"I bet they are but I just really dislike kids"
JT: "fair enough"
JT: "well, we should get back to work" [b]they all say, getting up, aside from Jess, Craig and justin[/b] Hunter: "you three get the night off"
"Well maybe we should use that to our advantage" [b]He whispers to Jess after he empties his bottle[/b]
Jess: "maybe so" [b]she says, resting her hand on your lap under the table [/b]
[spoiler]I see what's going on here hue[/spoiler] "Perhaps"
[b]Everyone leaves, and justin goes to his room, and Craig, the bar[/b]
"All alone" [b]He whispers to himself[/b]
[b]she sits there with a devious grin on her face[/b]
[spoiler]thought she left lmao[/spoiler] "I see you're planning something"
[spoiler]besides, wasn't she the innocent sweetheart?[/spoiler] [b]He raises a brow underneath his helmet[/b]
"You want to head back to my room?" [b]she seductively asks[/b] [spoiler]While she is, she still gets horny, especially when she's been drinking[/spoiler]
[spoiler]what if he just wants to cuddle with a beer and a movie? [/spoiler] "Of course"
[spoiler]Then she will, after an extended trip to the washroom[/spoiler] "Let's go then" [spoiler]Or she'll try to make it the space Netflix and chill[/spoiler]
[spoiler]space Netflix and chill?[/spoiler] [b]He gets up[/b]
[b]She leads him to her room[/b] [spoiler]Netflix and chill on a spaceship[/spoiler]
[spoiler]duh, but the time in Netflix and chill as in what[/spoiler] [b]He follows[/b]
[b]She opens the door, and sits on the bed, waiting for him[/b]
[b]He follows[/b]
[b]She climbs on top of him[/b] [spoiler]I'll assume pm?[/spoiler]