This gun has become the new thorn and meta due to dropping pulses so low in damage output. Autos have stayed the same.
BUNGIE: simply nerf the hell out of this gun and all other primaries will fall into line. STOP nerfing gun groups and finish off the balancing by hitting this gun where it hurts. All of a sudden we will have a balanced pvp world where guardians that are like me (0.9kd) can improve by using a vast array of guns (fusions anyone?) instead of being forced into shotgun use by snipers (stuck to heads) last word combo users.
Hit that hammer down hard bungie. Vote for a balanced meta.
Do try and give a balanced response guardians; last word/sniper combo players will no doubt slaughter this thread. It's expected.
Edit : What a bunch of whiners! Come on bungie, hit this gun where it hurts. Obliterate it.
Happy Christmas to you try hards. Every response will give bungie something to look at. Keep them coming you plebs
The "problem" right now is that guns are almost perfectly balanced. I did just fine last night in IB with Monte Carlo or Suros PDX pulse. Yeah, I lost at close range to TLW, and at long range to Mida... Like I was supposed to. With scouts having their moment, players who hang back and hit head shots will do very well.... And they should, they are hitting head shots from across the map! This game has now become a challenge of who can hit the most head shots the fastest. A.K.A. skill.