"Can I keep your body afterwards?" [i]"what do you plan to do with it?"[/i] "Blend it."
"This body is mine and mine alone"
"Not when you're dead."
"Then it belongs to Alpha"
"What it I kindly ask alpha?"
"My AI" [i]"I'm Alpha"[/i]
"But I could ask alpha to borrow your dead body."
[i]"Won't allow that"[/i] "You heard 'er"
"What if I kill her aswell?"
"Then you're a murderer"
"I'm already a murderer..."
"Besides, she's an AI"
"So what?" [b]He says with an angry tone[/b] [i]"AIs have feelings you ass!"[/i]
"But they aren't REAL people."
"So what?"
"It isn't as bad as killing a person."
"They still have feelings and emotions you goddamn asshat" [i]"Can confirm"[/i]
"But it isn't that much of a deal. It's like shooting a moving teacup."
"That is literally the worst comparison"
"Fine, a moving thinking teacup."
"Still bad"
"Fine, a mannequin."