originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Garuud landed and saw the Guardian standing there greeting people. " Well, isn't this a shindig!" another voice spoke up from his mouth as well. ( mature voice) " We always get invited to the best parties." Garuud chuckled then another voice spoke up as well. (Childish voice) " Usually people end up dead at our parties haha"
"So did anyone hear that random transmission? That's why I'm her- OH MY GAWD ITS GARUUD!" Breh! How yeh doing?" Cain shouted as he greeted an old friend. "Did you get that creepy transmission?"
" Yeah! You could say that. It was blasted over all channels. I came to see what was going on. Another voice spoke up as well. ( mature voice) " Also because we were running from a fleet of taken that were pissed at us for killing their Archon." (Childish voice) "Also chimichangas sounded good!"