What's your signature emblem, like your own personal emblem? Equip this emblem on all your characters and never take it off. So what is it? Inspect mine, that is the Sir Suzaku emblem! What's yours? :)
Edit 1: Equip these emblems so I can see them guys! And we're trending, sweet!
Edit 2: Ninjas and Mentors are here!
Edit 3: btw happy New Years destiny boys! Love you all <3
My emblem is wolfgrins
[quote]What's your signature emblem, like your own personal emblem? Equip this emblem on all your characters and never take it off. So what is it? Inspect mine, that is the Sir Suzaku emblem! What's yours? :) Edit: Equip these emblems guys! So I can see them!
Shield of Legends.
Eye of Osiris
Dead orbit skull.
Our kingdom
Wolf Hunter on my Hunter just putting it on cause Iron Banner
It was the Speaker emblem, Blessing of the Skeptic. Then I got the Stormcaller subclass emblem.
On my warlock, would switch others but I'm a part of the unofficial "Jade Rabbit Alliance" and the SUROS emblem looks dank