originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
All story's have some degree of truth to them, so might you know of the light's location?
[b]You see the temple ahead of you. Nothing seems to stand in the way.[/b] [b]You hear the sound of wings flapping.[/b] [i]"hoo! Hoo!"[/i]
*brightens the fire, looking around* What is that?
[b]A giant owl flies down in front of you.[/b] [i]"hoo are you? Oh! Hoo are the vessel for the good O'l King yes? Trying to get to his temple now?"[/i]
Yeah, I'm trying to stop the moon from crushing my home
[i]"Hoo. Well it's going to kill all of us!" So. What's preventing you from getting in there hoo?"[/i] [b]The owl says this like he knows your problem[/b]
Your kind of in my way.....
[i]"hoohoo! That's true isn't it! But...."[/i] [b]The owl flies up. And seems to land on nothing high up[/b] [i]"Something you can't see it can you?"[/i] [i]"Well. I know what can get you past it! Would you like to know?"[/i]
Yes, I would
[i]"Hoo! Well. Listen to my tune!"[/i] [b]The great owl Hoo's a tune.[/b] [i]"Now. Your turn!"[/i]
*whistles the tune*
[spoiler]You have an ocarina...remember?[/spoiler] [i]"Hoo! Good! But the tune itself needs some...power to it."[/i]
[spoiler]oh yeah.....[/spoiler] Maybe *takes out my ocarina and plays the song*
[b]You see a huge mound of snow move in front of you. Then, suddenly, a huge Goron is there![/b] [b][i]Such. Pretty. Song....[/i][/b] [b]He curls up into a ball and rolls off the mountain sleeping.[/b] [i]"Hoo! Well played! I'm off! Best hurry now Hoo!?"[/i] [b]The big owl flies away.[/b]
*runs into the temple*
[b]Its huge. Massive! The walls are covered in ice. There are fountains of water that are frozen. And the ground shines of ice. You see a large door at the end of the central area you are in.[/b]
*sprints to the door* Shit, running out of time!
[spoiler]You still got three hours btw[/spoiler] [b]When you open the door. There is another circular room. The orb of light stays in the middle of it.[/b] [b]You feel a chill down your spine...and it's not because of the cold...[/b]
[spoiler]still though, better so that u can reverse time early, then get started on the ocean orb[/spoiler] *plays the song I just heard from the owl*
[spoiler]true[/spoiler] [b]Nothing happens. The Orb remains floating in the centre of the room.[/b]
*unfolds my wings and hovers over to the orb, my hand on the Conquer's Blade, the other reaching out, grabbing the orb and infusing it into the blade*
[spoiler]Hey don't be so quick on the draw there bud![/spoiler] [b]The orb doesn't infuse. You hear a sinister laugh from behind you./b] Hahahahahaha....well look who it is... [b]You turn around to see a slender figure.[/b] The Tool for a pathetic God....hmm? Well. My lord...is forever more powerful. Your deceit will not take me down! Agent of The deity! [b][i]Boss battle: Ghirham, Agent of Majora[/i][/b] [b]He snaps his finger and a black cutlass appears in his hands. He begins walking towards you, slowly. The orb flies up into the air.[/b]
[spoiler]Figured I had to try[/spoiler] Look, I don't have a lot of time, so give me the orb, and I won't have to send you home crying to mommy and daddy. Oh wait *gets in a battle stance* I killed them
Your childish talk doesn't hurt my poor poor feelings boy.... [b]He teleports. And you feel a slash of his blade at your back[/b] But my blade will make your world one of pain... [b]He raises his hand forward and walks towards you.[/b]
That? That felt like a fly buzzing in my ear *dashes at him at Mach 5 speed, and slashes twice*
[b]He grabs the blade. And looks at you.[/b] You really need to close that mouth of yours....its intoxicating.... [b]He begins forcing the blade down on you[/b]