Irony at its finest. Op says its hunters (who are actually just people) are the only ones saying it needs nerfed. Then you post this gem. God the irony is tasty.
Did i start a whole thread going "omg nerf stormcallers op bungie plz nerf or i quit"? No I commented saying I don't agree that they're that op but i do think a tiny adjustment is necessary BECAUSE of the sunbreaker nerf and bladedancer nerf to even out the classes just a tiny bit, don't even lie because warlock is my second class and i play it a decent amount too, stormtrance lasts long, is very fast, has far range, blink, landfall, and a good base subclass making it now stronger then the subclasses they best compare to being sunbreaker and bladedancer, but if they don't its not game breaking, and I wouldn't care because i use it, so why don't you stop assuming things about me bub
Why so your subclass can be op? 99.9%of the nerfs you idots are saying needs to happen to stormcallers are just unrealistic. First of all the6 are speed demons. Secondly they DONOT get a damage reduction. 3 body shots from my thorn debunked this theory. There melee has increased range if tgey use a perk. The chain perk is better in almost any situation. Trancendance does increase DURATION not DEFENSE. Most balanced crowd control calss in the game.
And you need to get good scrub :)