originally posted in:The Roleplay League
After Eclipse's escape from the tower due to a helping hand from hive sword bearers and an unknown voice he was now walking back to where he was resurrected.
The vanguard was more unhappy now then they ever could be at Eclipse, he was in their Grasp after all these years and he's slipped away again. Anyways
Eclipse silently walked the halls of the old wall, His footsteps Quietly echoing down the hallways. He held his red death in his hands with the barrel facing downwards.
He didn't think anything or anyone would try to attack him. His armor still stayed black as night his green iron banner Stash standing out among the armor.
He loved his Iron banner armor Made him look like an knight of the very old age long before even guns were invented. He didn't have his ghost Dency with him or not really a ghost anymore, more of a ghost inside an exo body.
Right now he didn't think about that he just wanted to see where he was brought back all those years ago again. He was for some reason amazed at that place. As he exited the wall he saw all the old cars That layer destroyed.
He stopped his boots Making their mark across the snow again. He removes his helmet and he sets it on his belt, he looks up at the sky with his one good eye his left eye looking but seeing nothing.
That's when he looked down at his feet and placed a hand upon it. Trying to remember how he got it or what it was like to see through both eyes. Even though he wondered he didn't want a new one. This one showed who he was.
He walked to where he was brought back by his ghost and kneeled down At the spot. It wasn't to far from the wall He thinks he may of run before eveything hit the fan due to his position.
He ran and hand through his hair and sighed, He let the darkness help him when yet he fights it everyday. Whats changing and why? He managed to hold the red death and not feel a need to kill an innocent guardian.
He thought as he sat there in the snow The wind at a gentle breeze.
( Open )
[spoiler]Garuud, no bad stay away from this one[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Chance said it wouldn't stop you But it's really just a thing between Me chance and chaos. If I feel we need you I'll tell you ok bud[/spoiler]
[spoiler]oh I figured it was not malicious. haha, if what is happening is happening then you may be brought into the main story haha.[/spoiler]
[i]No its fine chaos said there's a way to get rid of it without going into the crota pits [/i]
[spoiler]Crota pits? Oh, no I mean the one with Chaos mega and I. [/spoiler]
[i]Hmmm oh right my bad sorry I'm really tired [/i]
[spoiler] No worries man! I am too, stayed up way too late playing diablo 3.[/spoiler]
Edited by Zalamiir: 1/6/2016 7:54:07 PM[spoiler]For the final part I plan to have three scenarios happening at once. The main fight and two other events happening alongside it.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]haha busy busy. [/spoiler]
Yeah. It's actually the part leading up to the finale, but yeah.
[spoiler] hell yeah, I am stoked about this. [/spoiler]
Edited by Holy FirePriest: 1/2/2016 2:52:37 AM( Redacted )
Edited by ChancingIt13: 1/2/2016 2:51:39 AMRedacted