originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]They begin rowing quickly to shore. The pirate ships go in the opposite direction. You all get to shore.
There are injured everywhere. People with lacerated arms. And bloodied foreheads.[/b]
[b]A strong looking man walks around camp angrily[/b]
*Shadow has calmed down slightly, the mist had finally stopped flowing off of her* "The mayor, I believe. He was about to bring them up before a cannonball got him."
[spoiler]Lying now are we?[/spoiler] DAMNIT! Those pirates need to pay... And I know exactly how. [b]He walks over to you.[/b] Your name is shadow,correct?
[spoiler]Shadow only has morals when she wants to.[/spoiler] "The name is Shadow. You know of the orb as well?"
"Everyone knows of the orb. Including these damned pirates!" "This is what's going to happen shadow. Me and you are going to get on one of these boats. And slaughter those whores where they stand. Well...?"
"The language is unessasary, but I like the plan."
"Good. They have a lead on us. But we should be able to find them in the cover of night." [b]He gets in the small fishing boat and starts up he engine.[/b] "Whenever your ready."
Edited by TwiggierTiger22: 1/1/2016 8:22:33 PM*She walks over and gets in, then pulls out a knife and begins cleaning her nails. The man when he looks can see dried blood being cleaned off*
"Is that from the Pirates?" [b]The boat starts to move quickly east.[/b]
"If it is. Then good." [b]You see three huge ships in the distance now.[/b] "There are those bastards...."
"You have a plan?"
[b]He pauses for a second.[/b] Yes. The ships have auto-mated cannons. [b]He points to the big one in the middle.[/b] That's where they are keeping the orb. And the captain should be there too. I'd say... You go to the ship on the right. I'll go on the left. We get to the control centre in each of the ships, then flank the command boat from both sides at the same time.
"Hmm. Do you mind if I kill?" *She says it calmly, like the slaughter of over 20 people is nothing*
"Do I mind?" "I would be disappointed if you didn't...." "Let's do this." [b]He dives off the boat. And begins to swim towards the left boat. [/b]
"Heh. This is just too easy." *Shadow stands up in the boat, then steps out onto the surface of the water* [i]Good thing I asked Jesus how he did it. Now that was a cool guy.[/i] *She begins walking over the waves, towards the boat and her soon-to-be playtoy*
[b]The Pirates seem to be having a bit of a celebration[/b]
*Reaching the ship she steps onto the hull and beings walking, parallel to the ground. As she walks, her outfit changes to match the pirates. Curving around to the back of the ship she cloaks and jumps onto the deck. She walks behind some crates, uncloaks, then walks out laughing, to mix in with the crowd*
[b]One of the Pirates leans on you, laughing at a joke told by the others.[/b]
*Shadow grins as well* "Hey, got some new booze, wanna try it out before the rest do?"
[b]They all look at you for a second.[/b] "Booze?" [b]You notice that they all are drinking from a keg of rum. As all cliche Pirates do.[/b] [b]They all draw there blades on you. [/b] "Who are you?"