originally posted in:The Roleplay League
The Shade vanished long before the Guardians 'friends' could arrive, merely watching from the void of shadows at the event.
[i]Angel, enters earths atmosphere dangerously fast, dropping into a low orbit she sweeps through Europe heading towards the cosmodrome. She had received news of Eclipse's capture too late to intervene,she'd tracked Dency's light to the cosmodrome . Could it be true, had Eclipse finally given in, had he finally accepted the darkness. Her calm exterior hides a seething rage, she was suppose to keep him safe. Ro was already on her way back but she wouldn't be able to get to him for a few days , Angel was hoping she could redeem herself and drive this darkness back into the hole it had crawled out from. She materialises only 100 yards away, an aura of solar energy surrounding her reflecting her simmering anger.[/i]
Edited by Holy FirePriest: 1/1/2016 9:05:26 AM[i]she sees Eclipse standing near the edge of the Clift His red death aimed at himself through Eclipse's eyes the creature is in front of him but in reality Eclipse has his red death aimed at himself. Dency stands their frozen watching Eclipse Unsure what to do
[i]Angel , strides over , still surrounded in solar energy, her instinctive reaction to snatch the gun away is tempered when she see's the pain and confusion. Her burning rage subsides until she has only a slight aura glowing around her.[/i] " Eclipse...." [i] She gently places her hand on his arm applying just enough pressure to encourage him to lower the gun and look at her.[/i] "Eclipse.. look at me.."
[i]Eclipse looks at her genuine fear in his eyes the gun barrel inches from the face the bayonet even closer ready to strike in at any given second. Eclipse's finger starts to gently press on the trigger[/i]
[i]Angel continues to apply pressure, afraid that if she lets go the this will cause Eclipse to pull the trigger.[/i] " Eclipse...listen, Ro is on her way, she'll kill both of us if you do this.... Please"
[i]Eclipse Looks at angel And at the gun that faces him, After a few seconds he takes his finger off The trigger and throws the gun to the side it just barley Hanging off the Clift and he collapses to his knees with his hands in his face[/i]
[i]She looks at Dency indicating he shld pick up t he gun.[/i] [i] Angel turns to Eclipse , kneeling downy putting her hands on his shoulders and shaking him slightly.[/i] " Talk to me" [/i]
[i]Dency Looks around and Walks over and gently picks up the gun[/i] "That darkness is still around Master. [i]Eclipse drops his hands and push them into the snow[/i] "It knows...it knows I'm weak to it..."
Edited by ChancingIt13: 1/1/2016 11:33:50 AM[i]Angel , had little fear from the darkness, she was a prodigy among the warlock schools.The strength of her light and its abilities was exceptional.[/i] " Your not welcome here"[i]she addresses their surrounding.[/i]
[i]Eclipse looks up at her a confused look upon his face as Dency walks over holding the red death by only a few fingers[/i]
" We need to leave, something is here, although I suspect It's tied to you".[i]she looks at Eclipse[/i] " So it may not matter where we go."
[i]Dency steps foward[/i] "Master Let us handle this...creature of the darkness and return to the ship and wait for romii." [i]He walks over to eclipse and scans the gun to his ship[/i]
[i]Angel smiles at Dency's unfaltering loyalty and belief in Eclipse.[/i] " I'm not sure that it's that simple Dency, Eclipse took a favour and in turn he has to pay for that favour. Everything we do is in th meant time is playing for time."
[i]Dency removes his helmet and gives a look of sorrow to eclipse he is suprised after all his years of being with him he's never seen Eclipse in such a state of fear and panic. [/i] "He's taken down creatures of unbelievable nature, I'm unsure why this has him in such a set mind"
[i]She looks at Dency unsure how to make him understand.[/i] " He's taken into himself the one thing he's been fighting all this time, not only that but he asked for it. It's not the same as being Taken, he chose this."
The Shade once again delved into Eclipse's mind. [i]Don't you see, Eclipse? Everything that has happened to me, it is happening to you now. Once they see what you have become, they will silence you! This is the way of the Light: it will use you, and when you are of no use anymore, it will cast you aside for it's own preservation! There is no future for you in the Light, only through Darkness can you have a choice, a life beyond war, a future of your own design, you must only take it![/i]
[i]Eclipse grabs his head and Screams[/i] "No you lie!" They won't leave me, get out of my head!"
[i]Its only a matter of time. The Light already sees you as a threat that must be eliminated. Your friends are merely the next thing.[/i]
[i]Angel takes a grip of Eclipse[/i] " Pay it no mind , if it takes me til all light has fizzled out I will find a way to rid you of this, now focus, we need need to move on, where do you feel most at home, and at an advantage."
[i]Eclipse keeps ahold of his head and thinks for a moment[/i] "Here, Bascially where I stand my place of death and rebirth."
[i]She looks around, supposing she should be grateful fr their close proximity to the traveller.[/i] " Well if we are going to stay we need some were less exposed than here."
[i]Dency Looks around[/i] "How bout back in the wall? It's where I told Eclipse to run when he was first brought up. It's alittle more closed in but it's not to open. I have a layout of the whole place as well"
[i] Angel nods her head [/i] "That will do I want avoid drawing any attention to us,particularly an more Guardians"
[i]Dency nods and puts his helmet back on and readies his rifle[/i] "This thing will follow, but let's go" [i]Eclipse Stands up and holds angels arm[/i]
[i] As Eclipse takes her arm something in him causes her light to flare,making her almost incandescent , and it begins to surround them both as they walk towards the wall.[/i] A: " Eclipse once we get inside we must talk, I must know what it wants and what it's terms are. "