Yes I'm crying. Yes I'm complaining. No this isn't b8. And yeah I just happen to be a hunter. However I am also looking for an answer to a question. How do I kill a stormcaller with no super?
"Shoot him, huntard!": Well I tried that. He shocked me and killed me.
"No, dumbass. You gotta shoot him in the head with a sniper": Hmm. Tried that too. He teleported through it and killed me again.
"Are you retarded? You got to shoot him while he activates it." Good idea! Oh wait. Unlike any other super he attacks everyone near him with landfall which has a hidden perk of blinding nearby foes.
"Get those huntard loving teammates of yours to shoot him together." Well that didn't work either cause one guy got hit and it chained to everyone and killed us. Then he did it again since he still had time.
"Just run away, stupid." Well I tried to but he is faster than me and the super lasts for about 20 seconds.
So did I leave any viable options out? And since its temporary, heavy doesn't count. That lightning sound it sending me away like sunbreaker did
Edited by Pneuma_Lady: 1/6/2016 5:27:22 PMPneuma_Lady
Lady of the OG Solos’ Syndicate Clan - old
Fastest way to take one down without a super is heavy ammo, a rocket or good machine gun is no match. Either that or just stay away and hide until its over and then kill if you tend to die around a storm caller. -
You can't know the pros and cons without trying it yourself.
You know im just going to go ahead and say it, you are full of shit i play all 3 classes and have never had one problem with shooting a warlock using storm trance in the head with a sniper i have a solution for you... Dont play pvp if you dont want to get killed.
I main a hunter, and have played iron banner last week to rank 5 with my warlock and can say for a fact how weak they are when their super is active. I was getting killed by last words and mida in a super so fast as I was moving too slow in super which I wasn't used to, I had best hope using landfall and using it in situations Titans would use striker. The subclasses are more balanced than they've ever been. I would just tweak scorch grenades and warlock overshields. I go flawless 3 times a week and have found warlocks to be tediously slow even with high agility (without blink) Titans are fine and hunters are also fine except hunter precision knifes should 1 shot kill with burn time if a scorch grenade can almost kill somebody with little skill. Speed up warlocks, Fix scorch grenades, leave everything else. There's my unbiased opinion from somebody who doesn't bum a single class
Just nerf it like titan sunbreaker...
I feel you man/girl. Pre nerf sunbreakers you had a high chance of escaping if you heard them pop hammers and you ran immediately. Storm caller, half the time they pop it right on top of you because of transcendence + landfall, and if they don't, its nearly impossible to escape them even if they don't run blink. They can hold the fire button and just walk foward and kill the whole team and they always seem to just barely not die.
Edited by MAJ-TERROR: 1/5/2016 2:14:07 PMIm honest here. Its the only super I saw on this IB that can kill more then four guardians in one activation. Which means its hard to kill. Landfall+blind+blink+chain nearby= OP I don't want it to be nerfed I like it
Shotgun meele always works
LOL I can easilly counter them with my pulse rifle that got nerfed. Just get better and try different things. To each their own.
how about you just not play the game? you left that option out!
Landfall only works if the Warlock manages to get right next to you before activating the super. They have to do that without blinking (Stormcaller can't blink unless they are already in their super) and with no overshield/damage reduction. If they manage to do that, then you are boned. Once in the super, the Stormcaller again has no overshield/damage reduction and so can be taken down by the same number of bullets as a normal Warlock. Yes, they can blink and be hard to hit but they are vulnerable. All that being said, I actually do agree that the super is a tad too long. You really shouldn't have multiple times that you can be killed, respawn at another location on the map, then get killed again by the same super. This seems to happen a lot. I main a Warlock and rarely use Stormcaller in PVP. I find it to largely be a suicide class. You may get some kills with your super, but I almost always end up getting killed in the end. I prefer my long-distance void bomb.
If we're talking about nerfs I think it shouldn't last as long as it does however knowing bungee their nerf it down to lasting 4 seconds so might as well leave it the same.
Here is an idea... don't mash the respawn button. Let it time you out to respawn. You won't get killed twice
Two shotgun blasts to the face and they survive. -_-
How another huntard
Reads the first line... "figures".
I consider my Hunter my main but I have a LOT of fun on my warlock lol the ONLY times that I've been killed using that super is when I pop it in front of people. But if I pop it behind a wall and then proceed to ionic blink towards people, it seems like there is nothing they can do lol I've even had FoH try to take me down but as long as I see the start if that animation, I can ionic blink through it. I'm not saying it should be nerfed (cuz I enjoy using it on my Warlock) but it's by far the strongest super in the game lol
I'm more concerned about shadestep, tethered through walls, and bows OHK.
It's not OP. Look at this video and tell me it's OP. [spoiler]You can't.[/spoiler]
Edited by OurWildebeest: 1/3/2016 5:07:44 PMI mostly play stormcaller when I play Destiny PvP, which is as seldom as possible. I am bad at Destiny PvP in general, mainly because I don't try. I show up with raid gear and stand in corners just to get marks. My warlock's all-time Crucible kd is 0.6. That said, a friend wanted to play IB this week, so I equipped Impossible Machines, chose weapons I hear people talking about as being good in Crucible, and made an effort. kd ranged from 0.8 to 2.3, averaging about 1.4. On the super, I often got 2-4 kills, but sometimes, I died without getting any kills. This can happen for a few reasons: - Tethered just after activating super - FoH just after activating super - Golden Gun just after activating super - My target evades me by jumping on platforms and running around obstacles, someone else shotguns or snipes me - I am too far from my targets when I activate it, they shoot me while backpedaling away Also, I sometimes die while trying to activate it, eg drop from an upper level into a cluster of opponents, hit the buttons, but killed before the animation completes. When it's good, it's good. I don't mean to imply it is weak. In the right situation, it can swing a game outcome.
Edited by Judge_Rhymehold: 1/4/2016 3:56:26 PMWell let's see. You are a hunter so you have shadow shot. That ends it quick. Shot gun melee helps. Mostly communicate with teammates and team shoot him. Or titan defenders have suppression grenades. Ends it quick. Pretty much any super will. Why doesn't heavy count? It comes about as often as someone's super. Both are temporary. Or any well placed grenade. I've been shut down very quick using storm trance by various methods. It's not THAT beastly. Powerful but not so sure it's overly powerful. Especially using transcendence, can't use too many grenade and melee with that perk, limiting their damage overall.
Edited by WitlessDragoon: 1/4/2016 2:49:19 PM......people crying for a nerf because they can't 1v1 someone with a super activated.....ever think that unless they screw up you're supposed to die in a close range engagement like that? Distance is your best friend when going against the stormcaller. If you can have some distance from him you can peck at him all day with a scout rifle from a ways away. Every time he teleports it shortens the amount of time that his super will be active.
Buff sunbreaker/ nerf stormcaller 2016
jump over/behind and shotgun/melee.. they only damage you if you're directly infront.. or just teamshoot..