Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders.
Want to get this done before they are completely useless
Say your light/Class
Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation)
Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP)
Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you.
Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday
Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D
Their are none, just don't be annoying...
Edited by Muffin: 3/22/2016 4:40:19 PM2 for VoG normal and then VoG hard. Message WildAngryMuffin for invite Xbox one
Need 4 for VOG hard PS4 add as above
Ned 5 for vgo xbox one Gt eran to die1
Need 5 for crota cp xbox one
Need 5 for fresh VOG hard add as above PS4
314 Hunter looking for group for vog or Croat hard modes know all fights
Edited by jack: 3/22/2016 3:18:07 PMHey people, I am looking for people to complete the Kings fall raid with me. Want to get this done HAPPY RAIDING! :D I'm a 297 hunter Xbox one
Crota Normal mode (At bridge) (hunting the black Hammer which can't drop from hard mode apparently) Add ManUJ3zP
Anyone doing Crota hard PS4?
Xbox one need 3 for towers on hard crota
Ps4. LFG Crota / VoG
At crota hm need people to drop him add jonnyb-notts
319 Warlock looking to run VoG Normal and then hard and Crota Normal and Hard. Invite/Message WildAngryMuffin on xbox one
Need 4 for crota
Searching 4 guardians to do VOG HM.. Add Lord-Kramer
PS4 Crota Hard for flawless, we need 3
Im doing croter end raid plz jelp im a 39 warlock
Need 2 for vog hard. Psn rypp3_r
Vog.. Osoro23
Edited by ManUJ3zP: 3/22/2016 11:27:12 AMLooking for people who want to do crota on normal (I'm hunting down the black Hammer) (at the bridge) Add ManUJ3zP
I Want to do Vog HM. Add Lord-Kramer
Looking for a few guardians to get the flawless raider trophy.
Fresh vog norm and hard gt as above
Looking to JOIN Vault of Glass raid on NORMAL. INVITE BriDog8456 on Xbox One.
Anyone want to run old raids? Message LightningN for invite.
Snd invite any time ur on would luv to do a run thru of old raids...or kings fall On xbox1 Same gt as above