Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders.
Want to get this done before they are completely useless
Say your light/Class
Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation)
Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP)
Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you.
Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday
Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D
Their are none, just don't be annoying...
327 hunter with experience looking for a Vault of Glass run. Gt same as above
334 hunter joining vog hard team
334 Titan looking for fresh Crota hard. Inv gt above.
At Croat add paragonwatson
Looking to start a fresh VOG and then do a CE run, real quick. Anyone interested message me and we will get a team together. PSN: Mikey_Von_Moger
At crota hm add jonnyb-notts
At omnigal hm add jonnyb-notts
Need 2 for VoG Hard. Message Reformationz
Need 2 for VoG Hard. Message Reformationz XB1
Doin fresh crota hm add jonnyb-notts
Need 4-5 people to do VoG hard mode to get old gear set, I'm at 325 hunter Add: C0ZZ1997
Need 3 for Crotas End Hard, at Crota. Message Luminoith
Need 3 for Crotas End Hard, at Crota. Message Jew So Silly
Need 4 for end of vog (hard) no squeakers
Add my psn: pureaze. Im online
Need 5 for hard VOG fresh
5 for vog? Never got to do it in year one, I'm a 329 warlock add me
[quote]Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders. Want to get this done before they are completely useless [b]HAPPY RAIDING! :D[/b] Edit: Say your light/Class Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation) Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1045897 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D REQ: Their are none, just don't be annoying...[/quote] Add purefirth for crota CP on hard
Looking for vog team for the fun of ot message kk x bomberzZ for invite
Need 3 for VoG hard mode Conflux CP Add TBradyBowser Ps4 Wear whatever gear you want! This is going to be a fun raid!
Need 3 vog hard
Need 5 for VoG hard mode Conflux CP Add TBradyBowser Ps4
Need 5 VoG hard. Xb1
I'll do any Y1 raid for nostalgia
looking to do quick run on either raid i have 320 hunter