Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders.
Want to get this done before they are completely useless
Say your light/Class
Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation)
Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP)
Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you.
Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday
Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D
Their are none, just don't be annoying...
Looking for a group to run vog or Crotas end on ps4 on normal mode for a quick easy run for old times sake. Msg me in game if interested
Edited by Mr Horse: 5/15/2016 5:22:06 PMVOG GT FlashiestPilot8 Xbox 1
Lfg for Crota Hard. I do not have a mic but lots of exp. Gt: Saracen TT
Need one more for flawless raider on Crota! Let's get the achievement like a boss lol. Gt same as above, msg for invite.
At crota cp on ps4 add Jaystar-f1 know what you're doing
At crota cp on hard for crux add Jaystar-f1 know what you're doing want to do it quick
Hard Mode Run anyone?
Flawless raider achievement anyone? Hmu for Crotas End Xbox1. Gt same as above.
XBOX 1 332 titan looking to help out some GAURDIANS. I can use relic and am a pro at both VOG and Crota Invite me if you need another player
Need 5 ps4 HM VoG add PSN death-via-potato and join
I'm a 308 Hunter looking for anything xbox one GT Death1Warrior25
Need 3 for VOG on ps4 Add filthyflex
Need 3 for vog hard xbox one Gt:Mr GanjaTooLouD
Need 1 more. For hard Crota Hard GT UKGTR
Edited by UKGTR: 5/15/2016 3:07:30 PMLooking for Crota run fresh. Need 4 GT UKGTR. Xboxone HARD
(Xb1) lf atheon hard cp.
[quote][quote]Hosting XB1 fresh VOG need 3 for quick run for [u][b]no time to explain[/b][/u]. Measage chobble (class and light level please)[/quote][/quote]
VoG hm fresh. Just doing a quick run, psn same as above
[quote]Hosting XB1 fresh VOG need 3 for quick run for [u][b]no time to explain[/b][/u]. Measage chobble (class and light level please)[/quote]
Hosting XB1 fresh VOG quick run for [u][b]no time to explain[/b][/u]. Measage chobble (class and light level please)
Looking for a team to complete the flawless raider achievement on Crota. I can solo the beginning, but need assistance after. Gt same as above...XB1.
Hosting Vog hard for fun fresh Don't rage quit Need 5 experienced players Must know what to do Must be good and 300+ Message Llessurevil15 Xbox 360
Need 2 vog
Looking for small team for flawless crota raid. I'm experienced and won't need a carry. Just would like a solid team to help me finish my trophies off! :) ps4 add me please.
Need 3 vog