Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders.
Want to get this done before they are completely useless
Say your light/Class
Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation)
Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP)
Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you.
Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday
Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D
Their are none, just don't be annoying...
LFM at Crota cp hm on PS4 add i0wn_The_Night with a zero(0) not an O
Edited by AGRE3D: 4/6/2016 1:32:00 AMLfm at crota hm. Message agre3d
Need 2 for skolas Xbox 1
Need 2 for skolas
304 hunter 304 titan Looking for atheon cp
Looking for group to do vog hard for funs Light 317 warlock Gamertag Bleedlnout Xbox one
Need 2 for confluxes on vog hard. We will also be running crota hard and possibly kings fall hard as well. Msg Stre3tR4t for inv
Starting fresh vog xbone
Starting vog fresh. Xb1. Message for inv
Need 2 for confluxes on vog hard. We will also be running crota hard and possibly kings fall hard as well. Msg Stre3tR4t for inv
Need 3 for atheon cp norm message xi Saint for inv
Need 4 for Crota's end hard mode on ps4
3 Level 40s taking our Level 26 friend through VoG for the first time. Need 2 patient players to help us. MSG for invite.
Need more fresh hard crota xbox 1
Looking for a group for Crota HM XB1
Fresh hard Vog or Crota ps4
Need more fresh hard crotas end
Looking for a group to do vog or crota or both! Msg gt above!
Need 3 for hard mode Croat at bridges add TheGamer42069
Need 4 for hard mode Croat at bridges add TheGamer42069
Need 3 for vog normal ps4 add Casper--Z71
Edited by RedDeadWarrior: 4/5/2016 5:20:32 PM299 Titan doing NTTE quest need VoG, doesn't matter difficulty. Xbox 1
Looking for 3 players to help a player do nm vog ps4 Add calling-the-wild
Looking for crota hard or vog hard warlock 317 with exp gt nobasicsht inv me xbox1
319 titan available to help with raids. Invite BriDog8456 on Xbox One.
Lfg to finish vog normal i have atheon cp