Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders.
Want to get this done before they are completely useless
Say your light/Class
Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation)
Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP)
Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you.
Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday
Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D
Their are none, just don't be annoying...
Looking for 3 Guardians for [b]Vault of Glass Hard.[/b] Add BobValao and join. PS4
Need 2 for a quick hard Crota kill. Ps4
Need 2 for normal easy vog msg sparky12729
Need 1 for sword bearer X1 message jakob123437 for a invite crota hard cp
Need help with Flawless Raider Trophy.I'm looking to get and have been for a long time. I can solo up to Crota but screw up in the end. Anyone willing to help? Add GTA51999 to join. CROTA NORMAL
Gt is strykergamingx need some for crota. Must be 30 or higher
Hosting a aethon cp on hard Need 3 Message GT above on Xbox one for invite
Need 3 people. □●Challenge golgoroth●□ checkpoint. (HARD) Message me at ExCreations151
Need 4 for fresh VOG HM add psn above
Xbox one looking for vog team. I'm at Templar. Gt above
Invite me my name is bulletproofxd28 I'm willing to help for no time to explain I'm 312 light level
Need 4 for fresh add psn above
Need 1 or 2 for VOG on ps4. Add same as above
Doing vog or Crota hard on ps4 add silentkiller2393
Starting crota hard fresh. Message on Xbox for invite
[quote]FLAWLESS RAIDER ACHIEVEMENT X360... Need one more... I can solo first three parts and Crota just really need help with DEATHSINGERS... Msg TarHeel4Ever23 for inv[/quote]
I'm a level 25 warlock wanting to Do VOG I have exp. can anyone help me? Add OrginofDeath thnx
Need 5 for fresh hard vog xb1 send message for invite gt is above
Hosting VoG HM fresh on PS4. Add n Join same as above
Crota hard cp Need 5, swordbearer skills needed Same gt Xbox one
Gorgon cp on vault . Trying to beat 319 Titan Message dacreolescorpio for party inv
Hosting a vault of glass run Normal or hard, we can vote on it when we have enough players Message GT above on Xbox one for invite
At crota ps4 rhoadrunner4
319 Nightstalker Joining a VOG run I had mic I know what I'm doing Add whysoplur on ps4
Hosting VoG HM fresh on PS4. Add n Join same as above
Edited by Raradatruth7: 3/27/2016 7:36:05 PMLooking for invite to Crota raid or VOG any difficulty level 40 hunter light level 292 gt: headshot1005 Xbox 360