Hey people, I am looking for people to complete the old raids for the shaders.
Want to get this done before they are completely useless
Say your light/Class
Say your Platform (Xbone/Playstation)
Specify any gear and Checkpoint (CP)
Of course be nice and always reply, even if its a "No sorry we found someone" Helps people out alot! Now go an save the Solar System you.
Join the team for Raids on Monday/Tuesday
Looking to put together a team for Raids, Iron Banner and Trials. That we will do every [b]Monday [/b]and [b]Tuesday[/b]. If you're interested message me :D
Their are none, just don't be annoying...
Need 5 VoG Hard going for that Mythoclast baby Msg gt aboxe Xbox One
Need 4 vog hard
Need 4 vog hard
Need team for VoG Xbox one Light level 308 warlock Message PoNeigh123
Need 4 for Croats end hard just trying to relive old times message ZoxY HD Xbox one
Need 5 for hard vog ps4 add mgkram
vog hard looking for 5 more
295 hunter for either raid gt as above
At Crota need 5 on hard Gt: TF xProjectx
LF VoG or crota Gt above
Need 5 for a quick Crota fresh run add and join jmens91
At oracles vog hm add Ddevistatindbayb
309 Titan LFG Skolas
Hard VOG Atheon cp msg for inv on the 360
Need one for skolas
Need one for crota cp. Add Zach_Reaper and join. Ps4
319 Titan looking to run vog crota hard Invite gt above Xbox one
Xb360 VoG hard for fun msg for inv
Edited by TacticsX7: 3/25/2016 2:53:41 AMHard Crota or hard VOG add me need a full fireteam ps4
Edited by ShadowWolf382: 3/25/2016 2:46:40 AMLfg crota or VoG hard mode PS4. Add: ShadowWolf0382
Need 4 for vog msg for inv
Need 5 for vog msg for inv
Anyone doing Crota hm?
Fresh vog hard looking for 5 more x1
I'm actually looking for people to do VoG with to get Atheon's eye. If anyone would like to run it either vets or first-timers just send me a message. Ps4 - Nosid
Need 5 for a vog hm run Username=PSN Thanks guys!