Queen's Web, looks so good on titans my main.
I love op
Blacksmith because I have it.
Had one since day one, used to look good, doesn't look as great with the new stuff, especially since you don't have many class item options anymore.
Midnight Lumos, because I like think it is peptobismal
chatterwhite because it's classic and been my favorite since y1
My favorite shader is the one I'm wearing. [spoiler]It is blacksmith. Btw to those of you trying to get this, why don't you just say blacksmith? After all it's what your trying to get.[/spoiler]
Queens Web, looks badass on my hunter with cloak of the 6th reign! :)
God of War Because red is sexy. ----Hard Light 4 Life-------------------------
By far best shader is Arctic Proxy
Cleopatra ak. Love nefertraki but i think the reversed colours would look great on my hunter
Are the codes not expired?
Amalthea. Fits my gear really well and supports my favorite faction :)
Phosphore, I like it cause I can match my solscout
Feud Unfading, I love the red/black combo
Edited by ElderWolfWalker: 1/1/2016 11:44:51 PMDebt unpaid It it my favourite shader as it is red and grey. It looks amazing on all classes. Inspect my titan / hunter they are very cute today
The sunsetting shader. I like the color of orange with the black and how it looks good together. It goes perfect with the cosmic joke cloak too
I love the Charter white shader because with the warlock Oryx raid helm, it makes me a fluorescent lightbulb. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
Edited by KIjackalLL: 1/1/2016 10:12:00 PMBacon camo OP. Puddle agrees.
It's the Carbonite flux shader. Looks best on the Titan when it shows up in trials and stops people's lighthouse runs.
Blacksmith is obviously the best shader
Thunder devil was bae (•-• ) Like before the faction shaders it was best looking shader tbh tbh It made you look like a total bad ass
You look cute toda shader..... ;( lik if u cri evritim
surfbreaker, cause it makes my titan look really nice :D
Chatter white Because it's the only thing I ever got from VOG normal.
Edited by cult: 1/1/2016 11:26:51 PMQueens Web. Dont why but it just looks good with generally everything. Aaru's Passage is a close second.