I got Black Ops 3 for Christmas ([u]Christmas Noob Alert[/u]) and I've been playing online the past few days and I have to say I'm very disappointed with the BO3 community. I remember looking through all the player's emblems and seeing all the different things people create (except for all the ones with dicks or sexy women).
But now Black Ops 3 provides emblems for people and I hardly ever see custom emblems anymore. I just finished my sweet Hank Hill emblem last night (http://tinypic.com/r/359zomt/9) and I realized that nobody else makes custom emblems or are extremely simple with them. I figure if they didn't have the default emblems, more people would take the time to make better custom ones, so I feel like that's one part of the game that I'm going to miss. It's a shame too, and I really hope over time more people will be making cool and funny emblems in the game instead of just equipping default ones.
Missing out on all those dick and pot leaf emblems. The art of our generation.