What does the [b]hunter[/b] say?
Waa! Waa! Waa! [b]NERF NERF NERF![/b]
Every class is equally whinny butt I get ur joke so other people don't go all defensive and I'm a hunter at hart
It's just that the majority of people use hunters donut seems like they complain the most.
No I'm more trashing on the guys who can't take a joke
[quote]What does the [b]Titan[/b] say? Waa! I'm butthurt about the sunbreaker nerf so now I'm gonna start crying about hunters. Even though we already cried nerf on bladedancers in year 1 we will still complain. Waa! Even though it was warlocks, hunters, even other titans saying HoS is OP we will blame one class. Than whenever someone brings up a nerf/buff post we judge on what class not what logical pointes they bring up.[/quote]
I have two warlocks and mostly play my hunter these days. I personally think most things are fine and that some things like FoH could use some buffs as well as returning HoS explosion radius to its former glory. The number of hammers that don't kill me now is ludicrous and makes me feel sorry for titans.
[quote]...The number of hammers that don't kill me now is ludicrous and makes me feel sorry for titans.[/quote] This guy gets it. Cheers to you, friend.
I actually really agree it annoys me landing a hammer on someones freaking toe and it does nothing to them
If they gave back the radius alone I'd definitely say it would be more than balanced. Keep cauterize as is, that plus damage resistance was what made it op
Agreed. The proximity detonation on the hammers isn't working well with the nerfed blast radius, making it [i]very[/i] unreliable. That's the only fix I'd like to see.
Most people main a hunter though.. So of course most of the complaints are going to be hunters. I main one and I could care less.
-blam!- off. Why do you have to stereotype all Hunters? It's only the 8 year olds crying for nerfs. Titans and Warlocks do it too.
I sang it.... It works. Me like. [i]Titan.[/i]