Last IB i got all 3 characters to rank 5 and so far this IB my titan is 5 lock and hunter both 2. Not once have i gotten a weapon to drop in either IB. I did get a ar and scout for rank 5 packages last IB. I bought nerwins, bretomarts, and the vendor haakon. But that shotty looks terrible. I see others saying they sharded 5 ars and 6 shotties. Even with random drops this scenario seems a bit off. I do use 3ocs sometimes during IB. Could this be an issue. And actually now that i think about it i don't ever remember getting a drop in IB. I bought silimars and efrideets. Timurs lash and finnalas peril are the only weapons I've ever gotten from rng. Just looking for some advice or guidance if there is any. Thanks in advance guys.
Edit: Didn't Bungie say match rewards would be our main source of loot or did i dream that?
I haven't got 1 single weapon from packages myself, I'm good on armor bungie, thnx.