Yeah i guess i farmed all my stuff and outleveled early. earned my boltcaster first week and i jus farm strikes non stop is kinda easy... looking for raid parties or something or no point me playing no more. if this is the most challenging thing bungie has its annoying u have to poke around on pc and stuff to find ppl. most of the players i come across with raid gear are terrible players and lack alot of skills and common sense.. its as if everyone was carried through this game !>?!?! any ideas why? ppl are kinda stuck up and usually are bad if i approach them well if anyone feels like taking a smart strong noob lemme know other wise have fun with your game guys . im on aussie servers.
Hit up caydes mayhem mafia we are a good group that are on regerly
This is where you need to be to find people to do raids, trials, and anything to do with parties. The leveling up and finishing story is 10% of the game. You need to try out the fun stuff.