originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Meh. Not really. All I meant was it didn't [i]seem[/i] ded.
You're denying reality though.
K then.
Thank you for conceding.
Are you butthurt? You've been making hate comments alot lately. One thing for sure, your punctuation and grammar suck. Oh boo hoo. You're mad because someone made a RP thread that is actually out there on the forums. You're either a troll, or just a really irreplacable parasitic being who just won't leave this thread without the final laugh. Probability of Exceeding Comments: "Salty rper is salty" "F***ing retards" "Some alliterative random swear word that is made up in an instant and sounds like a kid trying to explain how the color 9 smells. Also don't forget add ilegitimate comments and stupid responses" Or some other thing involving or surrounding those things. [spoiler]Apparently you won't let these people R.P. in peace. Have fun hating on people who have an active imagination and aren't "-blam!-ing retards" or "-blam!-tards" or whatever these idiotic people say nowadays.[/spoiler]
"Are you butthurt?" *proceeds to go on a tirade about how much you hate me posting here* This is beyond ironic.
I haven't said a single phrase or word involving me hating you. Please be more comprehensive.
Context is important.
"Context is important" Ditto.