How can I become a ninja is there an application place
Oh lord
I think you're in trouble.... In fact we may all be since I summoned him! THE END IS NIGH!!!! REPENT!!!! REPENT REPENT!!!!
REPENT!!!! THE NINJA IS UPON US!!!! WE MUST SAVE THIS POST, THE PEOPLE HERE, AND HIDE FROM THE NINJA!!!! THE END IS NIGH!!! REP- (Dart enters shoulder) Hey....is that a sleeping dart.....? Man I feel....so relaxed............maybe so sleep........... (Falls to the ground)
Ok i love this guy haha
Humor is my job. Hope you enjoy it! (In spongebob narrator voice) Later. (Me) REPENT!!!!!!!!!! REPEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNTTTTTT FOR YOUR SIIIIINNNNNNSSSSS!!!!
Lol ive made a few posts that people like such as there once was a cabal name pa'ul
OH DEAR GOD!!! Don't hurt me.....