This post is only for challenges
Looking for 5 at golgaroth normal. Got 1 hunter 303 Message on xb1 Smokie mccrack8
Edited by P1 Twin Dragon: 1/6/2016 11:33:52 PM314 Titans Lf for hard totems cp send invite to gt same as above.
Need 5 for oryx checkpoint on hard doing the CHALLENGE must be 310+ messeage CRISPYPANDA123 for an invite
Need 5(2 titans) for hard oryx challenge mode. Lvl 315+ msg spartanhunter88 for inv.
305 hunter exp need oryx cp looking to do challenge, invite please
Need two for golg GT sierra6niner82 310+
Orxxxxyyy goooo
Need 1 for normal fresh. Msg globularstew028
Can one down 4 orxy
Need 4 for oryx hard, fresh run. Be -315+ -actually good -know how to jump We're doing the challenge
Edited by GreedyDragonX39: 1/5/2016 9:29:29 PMNeed 4 for fresh raid run and doing challenge mode. Light 315+ and have experience. Need to have a mic. Gt is same as above msg for inv.
Need 3 on normal for war priest cp wanting to do challenge msg thekillamansson for inv
Need 3 on normal for war priest cp wanting to do challenge msg thekillamansson for inv
Need 5 for daughters hard 310+ experienced with all fights, I need some advice with oryx GT above Xbone
need 5 for normal raid ship jumping part cp gt same as above
317 worlock looking for challenge invite JESgamer1
Need 3 for oryx hard cp must be 313+
299 Titan LF Fresh Kings Fall Raid. Haven't completed raid before but looked up fights and learn fast. Have mic. GT same
292 warlock (2nd character) ToM and spindle, looking for a normal fresh run. Invite gt trentski82.
Got a oryx cp. need 1 315+ guy who can rotate. With a mic and malice. GT same as above hard mode
299 Titan LF Fresh Kings Fall Raid. Haven't completed raid before but learn fast. Have mic. GT same
Xb1 normal Need one at golger doing challenge gt above message for invite
Looking for any checkpoint and wanting to do the gogoroth challenge have beat it before 313 hunter iConnor J x
292 warlock (2nd character) ToM and spindle, looking for a normal fresh run. Invite gt trentski82.
Looking for 2 at sisters cp, HARD MODE. Gt: Duriel1