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Edited by RogueRossie: 5/23/2016 3:34:42 PM

What will your Dead Ghost Fragment say?

Let's get creative and post your own Ghost Fragments about your character below! Here is what I'd like my Ghost Fragment to say (I warn you, it's a long one): [b]Legend: Rossie[/b] [spoiler]It is dark, so dark. I cannot see my Guardian. I can faintly hear the shots from his handcannon and the whistle of his bow in the distance. These are the only sounds to be heard at all. He is desparate, he has lost me in these black, jagged caves. My Light is starting to fade and so I will begin to erase the all of the data I have collected over the many years I spent with him. I recount what brought us here, to the moon: [i]Zavala: Guardian, Cayde's scouts have picked up some strange Hive activity on the moon. I want you to go the centre of it and deal with them before they become an issue. I've transmitted the details to your Ghost. Good luck out there. *upon arrival to Luna* Eris: I sense something, the churning hellmouth has now fallen silent. Strange... Something is happening. Find the source. *at the gates of Temple of Crota* Cayde: Guardian stop, you need to get out! The Hive are planning an ambu- (radio crackling) Ghost: Radios gone, we've lost them. What do you want to do? Guardian: I don't like this. Somethings off. Let's get back to the ship. *A single roar is heard before everything turns black*[/i] I rise to be separated from my Guardian in a dark, unmapped area of the Hellmouth hearing only faint gunfire and silence. The seconds fly by and soon he has fallen silent. I am alone in the dark abyss of the Hellmouth where the shadows have eyes and the ground has teeth. Then I begin to hear something far away. Almost a whisper in the night. The Hive are here and they are watching me. I try to find a path, something to lead me to outside but all I see is nothingness. The whispers is louder now. I can begin to determine what the sound is. They are chanting quietly in the distance in some form of ritual. The same single word over and over. I begin to see a light as I move toward the chanting. I can see him. But he is limp, and out of my reach. The Hive are in circle around his lifeless corpse, chanting and chanting with their hands risen, almost in gratitude. They are larger the normal acolytes and knights found on the moon. They have broader shoulders with peculiar green energy spilling off them like mist. Their eyes are black and empty like the Darkness, instead of the green glow they usually have. I try to reach him but I'm forced back by an unyielding power which blocks my quickly fading Light. Their chanting grows louder and louder until an explosion of Darkness erupts from the body of the once Light filled Guardian I traveled with for so long. The mass of Darkness is writhing as I hide behind a rock, not daring to look. The Hive chanting now turns to screeching and roars as the ball of Dark takes its shape. In a deep, low thundering voice the being roars "THERE IS LIGHT HERE, SHOW YOURSELF!" I am propelled against my will out from behind the rock to face the creature. It's Darkness fills the whole room. Only a faint outline can be seen of it. It sees me and thunders "LIGHT, I AM NOKRIS! AND I AM THE HERALD OF YOUR END!" The Darkness swarms toward me and everything ceases. - End of fragment.[/spoiler] Edit: Getting some really great responses! Thank you! They are a good read and show how creative we can be if we put our minds to it. Good job guys :D Edit 2: Went away for a few hours to return to a surge of responses and it is awesome to read all of the creative fragments people are coming up with. Thanks again, you guys are great :D <3 Edit 3: #grammerfix and we are trending! Never expected this for a second. Thought this would be ignored but nooo, thanks guys :D Edit 4: You guys are awesome, so creative and it's great to see. Thank you <3 👏👏🔥🔥😊😊

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  • Edited by meep01: 1/5/2016 5:15:51 PM
    [b]Legend:Asay and Red Death[/b] [spoiler]Voice 1: Have you heard the latest rumors? They say he is dead. Voice 2: Rumors are rumors, no body has been found. Voice 1: But the weapon has been. Voice 2: *silence* Voice 1: I've heard what they say. The Vanguard have tried to destroy it, but it cannot be broken, cannot be undone, the hunger is too strong, too fierce. Voice 2: But then what will be done with it? How do they plan to...control it. Voice 1: the Vanguard has given it to the Nine for protection, but the Vanguard is foolish. The Nine have their own agenda, and we cannot control their decisions. Voice 2: But if he is still alive...and if he somehow regains the weapon... Voice 1: Do not speak of it now, I can't bear the thought of losing any more Guardians to that, that thing. I don't think we would be able to withstand his rampage a second time. He will be listed among the exiled: Dregden Yor, Osiris. Voice 2: I don't mean to justify him but what could he have done? The weapon, the power, the hunger, it consumed him, he stood no chance. Voice 1: Did the weapon consume the man, or the man consume the weapon? Voice 2: *silence* [/spoiler]

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    2 Replies
    • Some say he refused to remove his helmet when the queen asked him to, and that he made the speaker speak, all we know is he's called Racer.

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    • [spoiler]No Patrick mayonaise is not an instrument. -_-[/spoiler]

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    • [spoiler]Dis garden wus fgt[/spoiler]

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    • [spoiler]Damn girl, can I getcho numba?[/spoiler]

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    • He strived for greatness. He would achieve that greatness at any cost. But in that effort he lost the thing closest to him. He lost his LovelySlaughter.

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    • Edited by Oryx's Slimy Worm: 1/6/2016 7:08:03 AM
      Legend: The Lone Gambler A brave hunter he was, his aim true. But his mouth got him in trouble, just like mine. But mine, mine didn't get me killed. To all Guardians, don't gamble to see who can stick the grenade first on the space turtles..... -Cayde 6

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    • "The first year" All it says is "Fellwinter..... You betrayed us" Get it. Fellwinter's lie. Ha. Year one. Ha.

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    • As a titan, all he ever wanted to do was punch and charge people. Unfortunately his passion was his downfall, and so was the drop.

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    • Sleeper,definitely. Died as he lived. Walk in the garden of his turbulence if you gotta know. Good heart,bad experiences. Humble Gone Legend? He liked to think so *smiley face

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    • Edited by Sturm with no Drang: 1/6/2016 6:35:26 AM
      [b]Legend: Redacted[/b] [spoiler][quote]Found this rock, but I don't know what it's doing here on my desk. Probably memetic or something. I'll finish writing this up later. [/quote][/spoiler]

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    • Legend: RYK357864 [Begin playback of recording] "He can't continue." "But he must. We have plans in motion for him." "He's uncontrollable." "He can be tamed." *sound of door breaking* "What?! He's here?!" "What if all you've ever wanted... "???" "WAS TO KICK S**T IN THE FACE?!?! FOREVER?!?!" "What's he doing"? "THEN YOU NEED [b]PEREGRINE GREAAAAAAAVESSSS!!![/b]" *large explosion and thuds* "I love my job."

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      1 Reply
      • [b]Legend of Epicness_Dragon[/b] [spoiler]This dumbass I chose for a Guardian died hitting the fans in an SRL race. Seriously, he killed many enemies, both the Darkness and in the Crucible, but a FAN is what ends us? Damn it all...[/spoiler]

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      • Hmmm it would have to be [spoiler]he couldn't get gud [/spoiler]

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        • "He'll be back"

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          • Legend: Yo-Guy107 [spoiler] Mars is a desolate place, one of crimson sands and scorching heat. There is always sun, but the light fades. Cabal are eight feet tall and three hundred pounds. They come in a plethora of classes that range from legionary to colossus. Their weapons burn and melt anything that stands in their way. The sands blow scratching the already worn pain off my guardian and I. He walked slowly, limping across the desert. We saw something, a darkness, that petrified our soul. I cannot describe what we saw accurately. Valus Ta’aurc is tiny compared to this monster. Clad in colors that the Sky Burners and Sand Eaters bow to without a second thought, the creature waged a massacre. We came with two others. Hunter was the first to fall, legions of Flayers burning her mind. Her ghost was captured and turned into a mess of twisted metal. Warlock fell next, countless enemies swarming him. His ghost escaped, hopefully, to warn the tower. Titan, my guardian, was hit hard. They all fought hard. Harder than I have ever seen. Titan fought valiantly. Solar, Arc, and Void light all decimated foes. But it ended poorly as the monster took a single step. One step, and the ground shook. The Buried City over taken by a wave of sand. I can no longer see my guardian. He fell shortly ago, the scorching sand ripping at his armor. There is light here but darkness is overwhelming. Something is coming, I cannot describe what it is. A darkness that everything bows to. A king, an Emperor that commands more respect than the deep. Something is coming, and my light is fading. Heed this, any who find me among the ruins of the Buried City, run. End Fragment. [/spoiler]

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          • Legend: Aximus As I look at myself in the mirror, the wind blows through these curtains like if I wasn't there, not colliding, not feeling, but it still gives me the air of my lungs. The shattered floor falling in pieces, one by one am I left in a stone, so lone yet not, and the wind blows harder but even the sorrow pushes harder. Is it pain? Is it remorse? Or is it...that I am just nothing at all, in a world that I can't understand but neither the world can comprehend who I am.

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          • Edited by Desolator0: 1/6/2016 6:08:31 AM
            [spoiler]deez nutz[/spoiler]

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          • [b]Legends 7[/b] Barren now. The fires cleansed. The ashes subdued. The ground fertile. The air moist. The crypt deep. In these days the people walk freely. Expanding. Reaching out and reclaiming the land that was once a myth. A legend. A ghost story told to only those that had a heart strong enough to listen. And a story only told by those brave enough to know it themselves. The story of the Darkness. Yet it was through this very Darkness that his legend grew, and eventually his name would wreak fear in the black hearts of the most vile of adversaries. There was no weapon too dark to wield. No fire too hot to mold. The void was made his own and it was in those moments; in the heat of battle...that the man became immortal. Twisting the Darkness. Shaping the universe to his will. The will of the light. Where there once stood a being, there then rose a god. And now these stories are told to the people that would hear them. And only told by those who have had the privilege of knowing how we came to be here. In these cleansed, barren lands. I wait in solace with the hope that he may yet return. I watch, in this lonely tower, as the mist fades; and the clouds break over the mountains. Past the Deep Stone Crypt. But I know his time has ended. And I am grateful.

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          • Legend: Deej [spoiler]Deej was a pegboi[/spoiler]

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          • I'm thinking something up, commenting for tomorrow

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          • [spoiler]Ha get rekt scrub![/spoiler]

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          • [spoiler]The Steve of all Steves[/spoiler]

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          • Ghost Fragment - Teckno [spoiler]What a dipshit. Can't even spell Techno correctly.. Why must I be with this fool.. Am I the only one who feels like they've made a mistake? [/spoiler]

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          • Not a finger!!!

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          • Legends say he sucked ass.

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