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Edited by RogueRossie: 5/23/2016 3:34:42 PM

What will your Dead Ghost Fragment say?

Let's get creative and post your own Ghost Fragments about your character below! Here is what I'd like my Ghost Fragment to say (I warn you, it's a long one): [b]Legend: Rossie[/b] [spoiler]It is dark, so dark. I cannot see my Guardian. I can faintly hear the shots from his handcannon and the whistle of his bow in the distance. These are the only sounds to be heard at all. He is desparate, he has lost me in these black, jagged caves. My Light is starting to fade and so I will begin to erase the all of the data I have collected over the many years I spent with him. I recount what brought us here, to the moon: [i]Zavala: Guardian, Cayde's scouts have picked up some strange Hive activity on the moon. I want you to go the centre of it and deal with them before they become an issue. I've transmitted the details to your Ghost. Good luck out there. *upon arrival to Luna* Eris: I sense something, the churning hellmouth has now fallen silent. Strange... Something is happening. Find the source. *at the gates of Temple of Crota* Cayde: Guardian stop, you need to get out! The Hive are planning an ambu- (radio crackling) Ghost: Radios gone, we've lost them. What do you want to do? Guardian: I don't like this. Somethings off. Let's get back to the ship. *A single roar is heard before everything turns black*[/i] I rise to be separated from my Guardian in a dark, unmapped area of the Hellmouth hearing only faint gunfire and silence. The seconds fly by and soon he has fallen silent. I am alone in the dark abyss of the Hellmouth where the shadows have eyes and the ground has teeth. Then I begin to hear something far away. Almost a whisper in the night. The Hive are here and they are watching me. I try to find a path, something to lead me to outside but all I see is nothingness. The whispers is louder now. I can begin to determine what the sound is. They are chanting quietly in the distance in some form of ritual. The same single word over and over. I begin to see a light as I move toward the chanting. I can see him. But he is limp, and out of my reach. The Hive are in circle around his lifeless corpse, chanting and chanting with their hands risen, almost in gratitude. They are larger the normal acolytes and knights found on the moon. They have broader shoulders with peculiar green energy spilling off them like mist. Their eyes are black and empty like the Darkness, instead of the green glow they usually have. I try to reach him but I'm forced back by an unyielding power which blocks my quickly fading Light. Their chanting grows louder and louder until an explosion of Darkness erupts from the body of the once Light filled Guardian I traveled with for so long. The mass of Darkness is writhing as I hide behind a rock, not daring to look. The Hive chanting now turns to screeching and roars as the ball of Dark takes its shape. In a deep, low thundering voice the being roars "THERE IS LIGHT HERE, SHOW YOURSELF!" I am propelled against my will out from behind the rock to face the creature. It's Darkness fills the whole room. Only a faint outline can be seen of it. It sees me and thunders "LIGHT, I AM NOKRIS! AND I AM THE HERALD OF YOUR END!" The Darkness swarms toward me and everything ceases. - End of fragment.[/spoiler] Edit: Getting some really great responses! Thank you! They are a good read and show how creative we can be if we put our minds to it. Good job guys :D Edit 2: Went away for a few hours to return to a surge of responses and it is awesome to read all of the creative fragments people are coming up with. Thanks again, you guys are great :D <3 Edit 3: #grammerfix and we are trending! Never expected this for a second. Thought this would be ignored but nooo, thanks guys :D Edit 4: You guys are awesome, so creative and it's great to see. Thank you <3 👏👏🔥🔥😊😊

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  • Legends say he sucked ass.

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  • This is a great topic

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  • Ghost Memory : why would he run in? Did he think he'd survive all those enemies? Idiot! I always run in and hope for the best, doesn't end well most of the time

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  • [i]Knight is run! Knight is run![/i]

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  • The strike team died two days ago. Somehow we endured, trapped here in the catacomb tunnels of a cabal base. My light is fading. I don't have enough strength to fly, let alone heal my gardian. We are lost to the traveler, I feel we will never see the light again. We lay here, behind a baracade of dead cabal bodies that have pilled up over the past few days. We ran out of bullets yesterday, since then my gardian has used his fists alone to survive. We have killed so many, the cabal are afraid of my gardian's fists. Their commander has arrived, valus maul will never back down from a fist fight. This is the end. No being in the galaxy can defeat maul with his bare hands, not even lord shaxx, the greatest of all strikers. I cannot feel my gardian anymore. Maul has ended him. My own light fades, I will soon be gone

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    • I just want him to be quiet and open doors without setting off alarms !!!

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      • 420 all day dudes

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      • Thebalparkfrank -blam!- crota over and oved every week

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        • A fragment about me -Piazzaboy321,he liked pizza.Alot

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        • Ghost Fragment: NuclearWhale100 [spoiler]What? You found my ghost? I am slayer of Oryx, The taken King. Which wasn't very hard to do so I don't know why everyone calls me a legend.[/spoiler]

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        • He was quick to the kill, always moving forward leaving a trail of downed enemies wherever he set foot. A relentless titan who faced all darkness and walked out unscathed, but most of all, he was unknown, just another unassuming guardian you might have walked past in the tower. Not one for fame that one. He had unparalleled potential, could've ended the darkness as far as I could calculate. The Vex seem to think so too, alarmingly. It was all potential, unfortunately. Goofy titan, way too much into a practical joke. Only he would think it would be funny to set me up on a romantic -whatever that is- date with a harpy. He tolme we looked alike. It was one of these jokes that got him in the end. If you are reading this, it would be silly of you to think he got killed in combat. No, no. He strapped himself onto a ship and dropped from orbit. He said the fist of havoc from up there would make a good surprise fist bump. How wrong he was.

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        • Edited by Plasma Alchemist: 1/5/2016 9:05:23 PM
          Mysteries: A Guardian, not of this world. [spoiler] The land was barren, no wind swirled on this world. Vex structures littered most of the surface and remained dormant. The Taken forces had destroyed most of the Vex structures in the vicinity, except one. A solitary pillar stood, amongst all of the destruction and fire. The Taken were performing a ritual, similar to the ones the Hive would perform to feed Oryx's worm with light from the dead. Despite the ongoing onslaught of the darkness, a solitary Guardian stood. His light, so powerful and blinding to the darkness, struck fear in to the remaining Taken forces in the area. He wielded a hand cannon like no other. He drew all of his power from Sol, to the point that his golden gun was never ending. With one trigger pull of his golden gun, the Taken forces were sent back to the wilderness. A trail of superheated blue fire remained, unseen by any other Guardian. He had no ship. His white armor glowed bright, his helmet scarred from previous battles, made of materials not of this world. He was a one man army. The Vanguard had not sent him. This world was deemed a no travel zone, due to Guardians never returning from scouting missions. This Guardian was forged in light, but not from the Traveler. The pillar remained, unscathed. The darkness surrounding the pillar dismantled the object, and a wave of black smoke smothered the Guardian, killing him instantly. His Ghost revived him multiple times, but the darkness kept tearing the Guardian apart. On the 17th revive, the Guardian spoke to his Ghost: "Leave this place, it wants my light, to use it against us all..." The Ghost fled, never to be seen again. The unnamed Guardian, with the remainder of his light, super powered his golden gun one last time. He uttered, as the dark cloud entered his body for the last time: "You will never wield this power, Nokris!" He shot himself, disintegrating himself along with the darkness that emanated inside his body. It was believed this pillar was a piece of the soul of Nokris, the light taker. The moon Titan was deemed open for exploration for the first time, since the fall of the Golden Age. [/spoiler] [spoiler]This community can be awesome, good idea OP[/spoiler]

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        • These are really good short stories/lore/unofficial lore

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        • Ghost Fragment: Douglas "See that's the thing, little light-" "It's kinda funny" "Okay [b]Ghost[/b]" "No, but that's the thing, Zavala says it's too dangerous." "Exactly. That means we go in alone, pull some shadestep mind games, steal the thing, make the daring escape, possibly with some major explosions, cake and congratulations all round." "Please, we've killed [b]two[/b] of their gods. We got this." "It's really dark down here. You sure this is the right place?" "You hear that? I don't recognize it?" "What the fu-" *End of recording*

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        • Edited by Hezen KR: 1/6/2016 2:14:49 AM
          Legend:Hezen KR Ever since the Traveler went to sleep, Guardians and their Ghosts were the bane of the armies of Darkness. While we weren't the first Duo to be paired together, the Guardian and I moved fast to arm ourselves with as much knowledge and power as we could. He was an Exo titan. But he was different than most. I've never seen a Titan with such a thirst for knowledge. He did not take liking to the Vanguard's policies of simply being a wall to the city. I guess its hard to defend something you don't believe in. Together, we explored and mapped most of the ancient Clovis Bray research facilities. We climbed to the top of whatever Highrise still had stairs, and I did my best to pull research from the thousands of computer terminals we came across. We learned a lot. We discovered that much like Earth, Mars has its own Warmind too. Codenamed "Charlemagne" For some reason, all records of this Warmind were erased before the Collapse. My Titan went mad looking for the truth. Turning to libraries of the tower, conversing with Warlocks and confronting the Speaker for answers. It all lead to false hope and dead ends. I urged my Guardian that some answers are better left unknown. But He insisted we were hot on the heels of discovery. We headed back to the Buried City after hearing of Rasputin's Warsats mysteriously falling from orbit. My Exo friend said he will find one, and tear it open. Maybe these Warsats hold the key to finding Charlemagne's location. There's one coming in now! Right above us! Guardian! Incomi_ :END OF LOG: [spoiler]Crushed by a Warsat[/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Revanchist1ab: 1/5/2016 11:10:16 PM
          Legend: Titan XX [spoiler]"Stay..." "I know you're not a pet, Ghost... just... go back." "Fine... do whatever. Don't blame me when you get shredded..." *Fallen cries echo in the background.* "Well, nobody's tried, yet, right?" "We don't even know what they've been doing since the Battle at Twi..." "So what if they're fallen? Look at Variks..." "Yeah, I don't trust him either, but the fact he even allied with the reef against Skolas proves they aren't inherently evil. Besides... you saw what that other ghost saw... The vision of their world... What makes them any different from us? Hell... Arach Jalaal and Dead Orbit act just like them, I'd mistake them for cousins if they... you know... had an extra set of arms." *The shrill cries of Fallen scouts get louder.* "Yeah, I'm sure. Someone has to take the first steps. It might as well be us." "Hey! I like the Fallen... from a conceptual point of view... but they always shoot first, so you know... self defense. And come on, while Skolas was a butchering, insane mess of a Kell, you got to give him credit for trying to unite them and... Wait..." *She pauses, then the sound of a wire rifle breaks silence.* "S***!! Get down, they're aiming for y..." [The recording abruptly ends.] [/spoiler] Props to whoever figures out what happened. :P

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          3 Replies
          • DEAD GHOST FRAGMENT (sings): "Tripledent Gum will make you smile, Tripledent Gum it lasts awhile, Tripledent gum will help you..." SUNBREAKER WHO FINDS IT:[b] "AAAAAARRRGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" [/b] (Sunbreaker throws Hammer of Sol at dead Ghost, obliterating it)

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          • Here hold my gun... Check this out.... [i]Guardian Down[/i]

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            • [b]Ghost Fragment: Wow its POW[/b] [spoiler]It's nerf, or nothing![/spoiler]

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            • Dope

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            • legend : vengeful revenant Hate...Dread...Despair

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            • Edited by WhiteSun: 1/6/2016 1:19:01 AM
              [b] Ghost Fragment : WhiteSun [/b] [i] A warning to the people, The good and the evil, To all the soldiers , and all the civilians, The martyrs , the victims, this is a war .... A warning to the prophets , The liars , and the honest , To the leaders , the pariahs, The victors,and those that wait for the messiah, this is our war and It never changes , To all the culprits , and the exploiters , the winners and the losers . The sadists , and the saints .. Nothing changes in this endless war of ours , maybe the faces and the names do , but it's all the same in the end .. And it was my forefathers legacy , it was my legacy .. And maybe soon it will be yours .. Long after The speaker leaves we will still be fighting ... Long after the darkness comes and goes .... And The faces and the enemy will change .. Whether Cabal, Vex, Hive, or something else entirely .. ..... You will have to get up and fight and fight you will. Your weapons and the bullets will change .. They Will become faster , stronger , their famous makers and symbols will become obscure and new ones will rise . Guardians will flock to the new best thing and yet at the end it only matters what kills faster .... and while Others will rise and proclaim their skill over you.. Others will look up to your exploits .... Maybe you'll be one of those legends that will come after and make a name for himself , maybe you'll be infamous for being the worst in the Solaris system ... Or maybe you'll be a shining beacon of hope ... But soon your legend will fade ... It will become a myth and sooner and later be lost to the sands in Mars ... Time will pass and the universe will move on ... And yet knowing that our actions barely have any meaning in the largest scale of things .. We still strive .. We still struggle ... We still love and we still fight ... And at the end ... War never will change ... So tell me future guardian... Will you take up this legacy of a thousands years .. Or forsake it ... [/i]

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              • He never did learn that he could die by his own grenades.

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              • You killed Kenny you bastards

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              • Ghost Fragment: Not A King Nor God [spoiler]This one started small and lost it all... Rose up over time... Hit the top by having all the power possible... It all goes in a single betrayl... He is now dead... By the one who he gave it all to...[/spoiler] Ghost Fragment: Unknown Entity [spoiler]A being comes from the darkness possessing a depressing aura. This one is no longer forged in light but darkness. His number is up and isn't himself anymore. The black power seeping through his body. i seen no Exo like this. He is back but how?[/spoiler] Ghost Fragment: Forged In Darkness [spoiler]A Exo had been killed and brought back for a unknown reason, he is infected by the darkness and has no power of the light. A greenish color emits from him here and there as rumored and has a burn to it almost as if he had a copy of the solar but is liquid, reminds me of acid...[/spoiler] Allies: Exo Stranger's Message [spoiler]A report given to you explains of a Exo she found with a dead ghost and the Exo was dying from a gunshot wound to the head, the Exo was sad and had a strange weapon as the legendary "Thorn" had looked as, the Exo begged to die and no longer suffer. The Exo preferred to be shot by the weapon as is claimed to have a unique burn on it, a poisonous feeling but would not stop, it was almost like acid when a strange power emerged from the Exo's hand. The Stranger Leaves with the weapon, but not the power to be given to those who find it.[/spoiler]

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              • This Negro was truly legendary

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