As a continuation of Ghost Fragment: Cabal 4
>Error: requested file not found
>Building error log...
>Corrupted file: error 1.25//437; recovery failed.
>Access previous version?
>File located. Show details?
[i]//Mission parameters: RCVA#1
Vanguard objective
Fireteam: Guardian 313
Location:Meridian Bay, Quadrant 24/147[/i]
>Transmission with audio encryptment detected. Play?
"Commander Zavala! Do you read me?! It is an <STATIC>... The Cabal have found <STATIC>... Ghost are you documenting this? Keep up with me we have to <STATIC>... Watch out!!! Is anyone reading? The Cabal are engaging us with <STATIC>... It is only a matter of time befo--[/i]
>Transmission end
>Show mission details:
[i]//Mission progress: incomplete
Guardian status: MIA
Ghost: MIA[/i]
>Attempting to detect broadcast; Ghost frequency 313
>No broadcasting found...
[i]//Post-OP exfill mission details indicate no sign of Guardian or Ghost, nor sign of their Light ever having been present.
Oh, the urge to know more is strong
More [b]s[/b]hall be uncovered with the next Ghost fr[b]a[/b]gment, which is ob[b]t[/b]ainable as a m[b]i[/b]crotransaction if you a[b]r[/b]e owner of the first DLC of D[b]e[/b]stiny 2.