So I'm going to have to resort to talking to you odd jobs for my amusement. was your day?
Liserd skood pls
Yeah psn back online so never speak to me again :D
My day was fine but go ahead and check psn now I've heard its back up in some places.
Should be back now I thought
Go outside, the graphics are better
Edited by DogChamp: 1/5/2016 5:42:46 AMI guess I should care now that I have a PS4. But I honestly don't because I was using my Xbox one today.
Don't be a single platform pleb
Pretty sure it's back up.
Rip your connection. My days been pretty uneventful so far, how about you?
They were doing maintenance on it
Haha Xbox live is still up :P
Can anyone help me do raids and trials of orisis cuz their really hard and I tried to do them many times but they are to hard to do solo but I am really god at destiny but I still can't do them but I tried really hard and it took like 2 hours and i can't do the raid but I can't even try trials of osirs cuz it says that I need more ppl but I don't have more ppl to do studf with and you probably don't think I'm good but I'm really good at PvP I have had people tell me how god I am and how I should be MLG but there is not MLG for destiny and so yeah if anyone wants to help me and are nice it would be nice and it's not like I'll be bad to have on ur team I'm really nice and funny and cool and I'll do well on ur team so you don't have to worry about that or anything I'm very mature for my age so it will be good and so if you want to do stuff with me jjust comment here lol and it's not like I won't accept anyone I will cuz i want to be a higher light level so it's not like I won't accept you so you can just comment lol and A lot of people have told me that I'm good to have on a team so it's really a good thing of you join so yeah I'd you wanna just comment lol s so yeah peace
Probably because you don't have XBL Sony pony.