Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.
Edit: we're trending!
Edited by MythicBro: 1/15/2016 11:12:53 AMBump 😈 I BROUGHT IT BACK MWUAHAHAHHAHAHA
How about we just extend it indefinitely. What's the point of it being timed.
It's 1 week long? I got all three characters to rank 5 in 4 days, and last weeks IB was my first one ever.
Why don't they always have IB active for PVP players? Why not just change the gear every reset? I don't see why you couldn't do that. You have the weekly bounties.
I'd be ok with even 10 days, with 2 weekends as part of it. During the week is tough for us old folks with full time jobs and families.
What is the word "fronded"?????? This is an old post, well if you count 5 days ago as old. IB is over now for this month. Are you hoping they extend the next IB by a couple days, don't count on it. I just wish they'd have the same start and end time. Ending at the 0400 EST reset is just dumb if the game starts the previous Tuesday at 1300 EST. Come on Bungie, make the start/stop times the same for each time zone.
As a PlayStation user it's your own fault if you didn't get to rank 5 So no please don't extend iron banner
Are you PlayStation donkeys pissed? Or are you pissed?
A Patrolling Guardian
See you, Space Cowboy. - old
It's not too late, Guardians! [spoiler]Signed "a fgt".[/spoiler] -
No it's -blam!-ing easy now
Sounds good, signed
Did this work?
As an Xbox player, I say we must band together! For we fight a mutual battle! SIGNED!
To late
Y what happened?
XBOX1 player. Agree. Signed
I wouldn't mind having IB extended under normal circumstances. 1 week every month is okay...ish... but id like maybe every other week, or last for 2 weeks and make 2 more packages(rank 8 and 10 perhaps)? Kinda sucked when it was held 9ff for a but cause.of srl racing. [spoiler]how did you not get to rank 5... seriously takes like 3 or 4 days of just doing the daily bounties..[/spoiler]