Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.
Edit: we're trending!
Signed and sea......never mind it's back on
You have my signature! It's seems as psn is getting back up as I was just able to get in, but Bungie shouldn't use this as an excuse to not extend it as people with various time zones get the bad end of it among other things.
Yeah rank 5 gets you nothing so don't sweat it.
SIGNED:I'm ps4 and already got all my rank 5 desires but for all the adults that are working and don't have time I feel bad.
It's still down in several areas, including my own
[quote]Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below. Edit: we're trending![/quote]
got my rank 5 yesterday... yay.. signed anyway
Signed. Oh, wait. I thought you said end. Not signed
Signed, Im Xbone, and i think its unfair
John Hankcock
Signed, we're all Destiny players man, I'd be pissed if this happened on X-Box.
I play on xbox... i do think because of the PS "maintenance", it should be extended.. FYI, i only played one IB match and decided that was enough for me....
Psn is back up Go and get rank 5!
Its up btw
pierrelucascs Signed,left every contract to do today because of the holidays and Psn is down. Frustating in my opinion.. Give an extension to IB!!
Bump- bungie most likely wont listen- but buml
Bungie won't listen. I wish they would. But I've seen this happen enough times to see the logical consequence. Bungie won't do anything unless it directly relates to profits, even if their actions lead to more money lost in the long run.