Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.
Edit: we're trending!
Man that sucks that you didn't get past rank 4, i my self was lucky to get all my characters to 5 but I still want to farm weapons and gear from IB so I will also sign this! So we can all farm and get our ranks!!!
Already have rank 5 on all 3 of my players but wanted to grind for the ps exclusive class items that have a .00000000000001 drop rate
Dee's nuts
Yeah that'd be great But I understand that it's not exactly their problem
I will sign...however, please know that this issue does not involve Bungie at all....for once. This issue is with PS and PS alone. I wish you the best of luck, but Bungie doesn't give a rats ass about PS going down and ruining your chance for IB rank 5 or getting the Challenge mode done.
So close to 5, got a few bounties ready.
[quote]Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.[/quote]
Signed. Couldn't get Midas Multi due to holidays, now worked all weekend to get near rank 5. Destiny isn't going great over the holidays this year.
Maybe its your destiny to stop playing.
Signed, rank 5 just I want to grind for the exclusive mark :(
Yup, as the guy below, I too am Xbox, but think it should be extended for PS4. We hope for the same in kind. :D
Was waiting to turn in my weekly bounty :( Signed
I'm on xbox Just tryna help Signed
Rules are rules. You had a week to get it done. I underwent back surgery and was in the hospital for 2 nights and still got 3 toons to lvl 5.
Console war inbound Lol I could play iron banner but I don't even want to
They literally posted they aren't going to extend it they have no plans to