Title says it all. Sign your name below. As PlayStation players, we are being screwed on the last where there is the biggest buff. I fronded to get to rank 4 but now I can't get that rank 5 package. Extend iron banner. It would be fair. Btw, if you're on Xbox, please don't start a console war. Sign your name below.
Edit: we're trending!
Signed. I have weekly bounties sitting on my toons that I need to hand in still. Here is to hoping!
I'll sign for those who aren't rank 5 already.
I just found out about the camalot cloak. Now i cant even attempt one. QQ
XB1 player, agree with OP for PS4 only
You get nothing...you already have exclusive strikes, maps, armor, guns, exotics, etc... Enjoy your exclusive maintenance!!! :)
Even I have to admit PS users are getting screwed over here. I'm an Xbox gamer but, it's not fair that you guys miss out on a day or so of IB, could easily miss out on that sweet sweet loot drop because of it. I'll sign for you wonderful people
Xbox player signing. Best of luck my gaming brethren
"We are being screwed, even though we have all these exclusive items to ourselves. Bungie, please give us more shit because we think we deserve it." Wah...waaaahwah...waaaaaaaaaah...wah.. Op is bch potato.
Agreed extended it. Im on xbox one
[quote]As PlayStation players, we are being screwed .[/quote] YOU'RE being screwed?
Xbox player signing here... For PSN extension only
Ill sign but all i did was log on the ps3 and continue to play destiny the ps3 servers are not down.
Sucks but you shouldn't get an extension when you've had a full week to reach rank 5
Bump. I hit rank 5 on all three character but forgot to buy the Hunter exclusive. Figured I'd have time. Guess not now.
U PS scrubs:)) That's what u get for sucking bungies dicks and buying a PlayStation for Exclusives
To all the mature, non console war blasting players, youre awesome. To all the Xbone players trying to say that psn always has outages, please stop acting like Live hasnt gone down a few times. This is the fiest outage ive seen in a long time and a Live just had one a month or so ago