I tried to help a clan mate get through Skolas last night and it was much harder than I remember it being. Have the timers on the mines been nerfed because players are killing him in seconds with Sleepers, because it felt like we had no time whatsoever to get to the mine spawns?
It seemed like I had a lot more time to dismantle them when I was a 35 running for my life..
EDIT: I appreciate the serious responses. I think I have just lost the rhythm of the encounter and it should not be hard to get it back,
[quote]I tried to help a clan mate get through Skolas last night and it was much harder than I remember it being. Have the timers on the mines been nerfed because players are killing him in seconds with Sleepers, because it felt like we had no time whatsoever to get to the mine spawns? It seemed like I had a lot more time to dismantle them when I was a 35 running for my life..[/quote] You forgot the #Satire tag. [spoiler]or you have gone full retard?[/spoiler]