I'll actually help.
First, you need touch. Trust me, I love the sleeper too, but for challenge touch is completely required.
As a hunter, always make orbs by tethering the thrall and save tether for either vessel as it helps and the Shade as you have to do him 3 times.
-side note: never tether the Shade while he's in slam mode.
As a titan, you'll most likely be placed on ogre duty. You're job is to use touch to kill ogres using blessing and weapons if it's available
But blessing is a must. Also, it is USUALLY your job to kill the 4th knight unless 1 plate and 3 plate are comfortable killing it.
I can answer other questions btw feel free to ask.
Edited by Astrosa: 1/5/2016 5:39:48 PM
That sucks man